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Group (3) - Matching Quizzes |
(謬誤,錯誤) deceptive or false appearance; false notion; deception | |
(出色的,典範的) serving as model; outstanding; typical | |
(不同,差距) difference; condition or fact of being unequal, as in age, rank, or degree | |
(嘲笑) mock; laugh at with contempt and derision |
(愚蠢的,不可理喻的,不理智的) foolish or silly, especially in self-satisfied way | |
(反對) differ in opinion or feeling; withhold assent or approval | |
(偶然的) accidental; by chance; coming or occurring without any cause | |
(家譜) account or history of descent of person or family from ancestor; lineage |
(使多樣化,多元化) give variety to; spread out activities or investments | |
(警句,諷刺民謠) witty thought or saying, usually short; short, witty poem expressing a single thought or observation | |
(炙熱的,熱情洋溢) extremely hot; eager; impassioned; burning | |
(陌生的,外來的,奇異的,異國情調) from another part of the world; foreign; strikingly strange or unusual |
(獨斷的,教條的,固執的) stubbornly adhering to insufficiently proven beliefs; inflexible, rigid | |
(神職的) minister or priest; cleric; one holding an office in the Christian ministry | |
(愚蠢的,不可理喻的,不理智的) foolish or silly, especially in self-satisfied way | |
(急速,急件) act of sending off something; property of being prompt and efficient; message usually sent in haste |
(光滑,柔順,口齒伶俐,圓滑) performed with a natural or offhand ease | |
(���其令人痛恨的,聲名狼藉,令人吃驚的) notorious; conspicuously bad or shocking | |
(墓誌銘,輓聯) inscription on tombstone in memory | |
(平靜的,公平的) calm; impartial; unaffected by strong emotion or prejudice |
(平靜的,公平的) calm; impartial; unaffected by strong emotion or prejudice | |
(嘲笑) mock; laugh at with contempt and derision | |
(警句,諷刺民謠) witty thought or saying, usually short; short, witty poem expressing a single thought or observation | |
(離開,啟程) departure of a large number of people |
(不合時宜的玩笑,幽默) joking ,often inappropriately; humorous | |
(發源,源頭) coming into being of something; origin | |
(不正當的利用,開發) make use of, sometimes unjustly | |
(裝飾) decorate with ornamental appendages |
(清除,淨化) clean; remove offensive parts of book | |
(神職的) minister or priest; cleric; one holding an office in the Christian ministry | |
(闡釋,博覽會) exhibition; part of a play that provides the background information; opening section of a fugue | |
(炙熱的,熱情洋溢) extremely hot; eager; impassioned; burning |
(淺的,不重要的) not essential; coming from outside | |
(偶然的) accidental; by chance; coming or occurring without any cause | |
(愚蠢的,不可理喻的,不理智的) foolish or silly, especially in self-satisfied way | |
(���其令人痛恨的,聲名狼藉,令人吃驚的) notorious; conspicuously bad or shocking |
(獨斷的,教條的,固執的) stubbornly adhering to insufficiently proven beliefs; inflexible, rigid | |
(反對) differ in opinion or feeling; withhold assent or approval | |
(謬誤,錯誤) deceptive or false appearance; false notion; deception | |
(墓誌銘,輓聯) inscription on tombstone in memory |