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  Level 3 - 3 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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v. [妨礙,干涉] disrupt; hinder; be or create a hindrance or obstacle

Spelling Word: interfere
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n. [反話,諷刺] expression by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning; the witty language used to insult

Spelling Word: irony
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a. [歡騰的,喜氣洋洋的] happy; merry; joyful, and proud because of triumph or success

Spelling Word: jubilant
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a. [公平的] exhibiting good judgment or sound thinking; prudent

Spelling Word: judicious
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n. [桂冠,榮譽] honors conferred for some notable achievement; credit

Spelling Word: laurels
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n. [領導能力,領導階層] guidance; direction; authority; position or office of a leader

Spelling Word: leadership
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n. [獨占,壟斷] exclusive control or possession of something; domination

Spelling Word: monopoly
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a. [多面的] having many facets or aspects

Spelling Word: multifaceted
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a. [被動的] lacking in energy or will;  peacefully resistant in response to injustice

Spelling Word: passive
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a. [圓滑的,柔韌的,彎曲的] flexible; yielding; easily bent or shaped

Spelling Word: pliable