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  Level 3 - 4 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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n. [評論,註釋] expression, in speech or writing, of something, remarked or noticed

Spelling Word: remark
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n. [修復,整修] improving by renewing and restoring; state of being restored to its former good condition; renewal

Spelling Word: renovation
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a. [代表的,有代表性的] fitted to represent; exhibiting a similitude; bearing character or power of another; acting for another or others

Spelling Word: representative
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a. [嚴峻的,嚴格的,嚴厲的] full of rigors; harsh; rigidly accurate; precise

Spelling Word: rigorous
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n. [縫,接縫] line of junction formed by sewing together two pieces; line across a surface, as a crack; scar

Spelling Word: seam
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v. [隔離] isolate; separate; divide from the main body

Spelling Word: segregate
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a. [隔音的] insulate against noise; impermeable to noise

Spelling Word: soundproof
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a. [引人入勝的,壯觀的] impressive or sensational; lavishly produced performance; grand

Spelling Word: spectacular
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n. [至高無上的權力] dominance; power to dominate or defeat

Spelling Word: supremacy
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n. [表面(的)] the exterior part of anything that has length and breadth; outside; outward or external appearance

Spelling Word: surface