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n. [учета] a system that provides quantitative information about finances

Spelling Word: accounting
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n. [аллитерации] repetition of a beginning sound in poetry

Spelling Word: alliteration
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n. [амбивалентность] state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes, such as love and hate

Spelling Word: ambivalence
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n. [утверждения] official approbation; endorsement; an act of approving

Spelling Word: approval
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a. [асимметричный] unbalanced; uneven;  having parts on either side or half that do not match  

Spelling Word: asymmetrical
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n. [распыление] act of reducing to atoms, or very minute particles

Spelling Word: atomization
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n. [бар] a counter where you can obtain food or drink; cafe; strip; stick

Spelling Word: bar
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n. [проверки] thorough physical examination

Spelling Word: checkup
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n. [слияния] union of diverse things into one body or form or group; growing together of parts

Spelling Word: coalescence
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n. [пара] a male and female associated together; a pair who associate with one another

Spelling Word: couple