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  Level 1 - 2 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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v. [отвлекаться] turn aside, especially from the main subject in writing or speaking

Spelling Word: digress
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v. [уволить] stop considering; end employment or service of; discharge; refuse to accept or recognize

Spelling Word: dismiss
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a. [отличительные] special; unique; marking or expressing distinction or difference

Spelling Word: distinctive
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ad. [резко] very suddenly and noticeably

Spelling Word: dramatically
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n. [эклектика] any form of art that borrows from multiple other styles

Spelling Word: eclecticism
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n. [Исследование] travel for discovery

Spelling Word: exploration
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n. [голод] shortage of food; starvation

Spelling Word: famine
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n. [вкусовые] something added to food primarily for the savor it imparts

Spelling Word: flavoring
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a. [скромный] sparing; economical; costing little; inexpensive

Spelling Word: frugal
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n. [спящий] time of animals sleep through the winter

Spelling Word: hibernation