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n. [люкс] something that is an indulgence rather than necessity; excessively expensive

Spelling Word: luxury
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n. [недоедания] state of poor nutrition

Spelling Word: malnutrition
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n. [Марш] swamp; bog; low lying wetland with grassy vegetation

Spelling Word: marsh
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n. [ров] deep wide ditch; ditch dug as a fortification and usually filled with water

Spelling Word: moat
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v. [макет] treat with ridicule or contempt; mimic; frustrate hopes of

Spelling Word: mock
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a. [влажной] slightly wet; damp or humid

Spelling Word: moist
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n. [панели] framed section of window or door that is filled with a sheet of glass or others; panel in a wall or door

Spelling Word: pane
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n. [паника] sudden mass fear and anxiety

Spelling Word: panic
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a. [перпендикулярно] vertical; upright; intersecting at or forming right angles; too steep

Spelling Word: perpendicular
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n. [рецепт] written instructions from a doctor; written order; an act of establishing official rules, laws, or directions

Spelling Word: prescription