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  Level 1 - 4 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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a. [масштабируется] used of armor; covered with scales, or scale-like structures, like fish or reptile

Spelling Word: scaled
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v. [рыскать] scrub; clean, polish, or wash by scrubbing vigorously; wear away; search through or over thoroughly

Spelling Word: scour
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n. [сегмента] sector; portion; any of the parts into which something can be divided

Spelling Word: segment
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n. [последовательности] serial arrangement in which things follow in logical order or a recurrent pattern

Spelling Word: sequence
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n. [Доставка] sending of cargo; an act of sending off something

Spelling Word: shipment
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n. [весна] season of growth; a season of spring

Spelling Word: springtime
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a. [поверхностных] trivial; of little substance; involving a surface only

Spelling Word: superficial
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n. [трезвости] restraint; avoiding excesses

Spelling Word: temperance
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a. [напряженный] stretch or force to the limit; tight

Spelling Word: tense
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n. [ветка] small branch or division of a branch

Spelling Word: twig