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a. [暗淡的,模糊的] emitting only a small amount of light; lacking in brightness

Spelling Word: dim
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n. [演講,談話] a formal, lengthy discussion of a subject; verbal exchange; conversation

Spelling Word: discourse
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v. [枯竭,耗盡,疲倦] wear out completely; tire; drain of resources or properties; deplete; use up completely

Spelling Word: exhaust
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a. [廣的,多方面的,廣泛的] widespread; far-reaching; wide

Spelling Word: extensive
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n. [裝飾船頭的雕像,象徵] token; figure on the bow of some sailing vessels

Spelling Word: figurehead
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n. [財政,撥款] management of money and credit and banking and investments; subsidizing; fund

Spelling Word: finance
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n. [味,風味] distinctive taste; quality produced by the sensation of taste

Spelling Word: flavor
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n. [極小,污點] very small; minute or insignificant spot

Spelling Word: flyspeck
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n. [構架,骨架] fundamental structure, as for a written work; skeleton

Spelling Word: framework
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a. [全球性的] worldwide; international; having the shape of a globe

Spelling Word: global