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ad. [顯著地,明顯地] very obviously, noticeably

Spelling Word: markedly
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n. [奇異的事物,罕見的例子,大為驚異,覺得驚奇] wonder; strong surprise; astonishment

Spelling Word: marvel
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a. [痛苦的,悲慘的,可憐的] very unhappy; full of misery; wretched

Spelling Word: miserable
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v. [失去平衡] weigh more heavily; exceed in weight, value, or importance; surpass; throw off the balance

Spelling Word: overbalance
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n. [劃獨木舟者] someone paddling a canoe

Spelling Word: paddler
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n. [窗格玻璃] framed section of window or door that is filled with a sheet of glass or others; panel in a wall or door

Spelling Word: pane
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a. [充滿熱情的,熱烈的] zealous; enthusiastic; filled with or motivated by zeal

Spelling Word: passionate
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v. [極化,分化,兩極分化] split into opposite extremes or camps

Spelling Word: polarize
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n. [藥方,處方] written instructions from a doctor; written order; an act of establishing official rules, laws, or directions

Spelling Word: prescription
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v. [使稀少,使稀薄] weaken the consistency; purify or refine; lessen the density

Spelling Word: rarefy