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  Level 2 - 4 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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v. [замечание] mark in a notable manner; distinguish clearly; make noticeable or conspicuous; point out; take notice of

Spelling Word: remark
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n. [представитель] one that represents anything; that which exhibits a likeness or similitude; agent

Spelling Word: representative
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a. [репродуктивного] producing new life or offspring

Spelling Word: reproductive
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a. [жилых] of or relating to or connected with residence

Spelling Word: residential
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n. [пенсионного] period of your life after you have stopped work at a certain age

Spelling Word: retirement
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n. [мешок] pouch or pouch-like structure in a plant or an animal, sometimes filled with fluid

Spelling Word: sac
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n. [солености] property of containing salt

Spelling Word: saltiness
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ad. [плавно] in a smooth manner; successfully; easily

Spelling Word: smoothly
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n. [надзор] management by overseeing the performance

Spelling Word: supervision
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a. [подозрительных] openly distrustful and unwilling to confide; questionable

Spelling Word: suspicious