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  Level 3 - 1 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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n. [отмена] ending; act of abolishing; act of doing away with

Spelling Word: abolition
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a. [адаптивных] having a capacity for adaptation; capable of adapting

Spelling Word: adaptive
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n. [восхищение] favorable judgment; feeling of pleasure, wonder, and approval

Spelling Word: admiration
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a. [приоткрытой] half-open; slightly turned or opened

Spelling Word: ajar
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v. [придаем] fasten; annex; be in contact with

Spelling Word: attach
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ad. [неловко] in an uncomfortable, nervous, or embarrassed way

Spelling Word: awkwardly
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a. [лысый] hairless; lacking a natural or usual covering

Spelling Word: bald
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ad. [часовой] in the direction that the hands of a clock move

Spelling Word: clockwise
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v. [завоевать] gain or acquire by force;  take possession of by violent means; gain dominion over

Spelling Word: conquer
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n. [потребления] eating or drinking something; the using up of a resource  

Spelling Word: consumption