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  Level 5 - 3 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous   Next    
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v. [埋伏] stealthily lie in waiting; exist unperceived

Spelling Word: lurk
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n. [混合食物,流食,一份食物] soft semi-liquid food; a quantity of food set on a table at one time; provision of food for one meal

Spelling Word: mess
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n. [胡须] hair growing on the human upper lip, especially when cultivated and groomed

Spelling Word: moustache
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v. [沉思] be absorbed in one's thoughts; consider or say thoughtfully

Spelling Word: muse
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n. [疏忽,没能尽力的] neglect; failure to take reasonable care; state or quality of being negligent

Spelling Word: negligence
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a. [谄媚的,拍马屁的,奴性的] slavishly attentive; attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery

Spelling Word: obsequious
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n. [城市郊区,边缘] part or region remote from a central district, as of a city or town; fringe; outer border

Spelling Word: outskirt
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a. [易于领会的,明显的] tangible; easily perceptible; unmistakable

Spelling Word: palpable
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v. [仔细考虑] weigh; weigh in mind; view with deliberation; examine carefully; consider attentively

Spelling Word: ponder
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n. [(艺术等的)出处,起源] place of origin; source; provenience

Spelling Word: provenance