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  Level 5 - 4 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous    
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n. [(妇女用)披肩,围巾] a large piece of cloth worn especially by women or girls over their shoulders and head

Spelling Word: shawl
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v. [(由于冷或恐 惧)打冷战,发抖,打得粉碎] shake with or as if with cold; tremble; break into fragments or splinters

Spelling Word: shiver
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n. [诽谤] defamation;  false and malicious statement or report about someone

Spelling Word: slander
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n. [似真实假的] the argument for exercise merely; plausible but misleading argument; art or process of reasoning; logic

Spelling Word: sophistry
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a. [没有污点的] completely neat and clean

Spelling Word: spotless
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a. [沉静的,安静的] sober; serious, organized, and professional; characterized by dignity and propriety

Spelling Word: staid
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n. [标准成分的(金或银),道地的,纯正的,英国货币] any English coin of standard value; coined money

Spelling Word: sterling
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n. [带,皮带] belt; a band that goes over the shoulder and supports a garment or bag

Spelling Word: strap
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a. [尖端细的] act of gradually lowering the size or amount

Spelling Word: tapering
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n. [构造地质学] branch of geology studying the folding and faulting of the earth's crust; the science of architecture

Spelling Word: tectonics