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/ə'bændən/ n. Syn. relinquish
(отказаться) lacking restraint or control; feeling of extreme emotional intensity; unbounded enthusiasm

Spelling Word: abandon
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/ək'sɛləreɪt/ v. Syn. speed; hasten
(ускорения) move faster; cause to develop or progress more quickly; occur sooner than expected

Spelling Word: accelerate
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/'æflʊənt/ a.
(богатые) having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value

Spelling Word: affluent
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/ə'næləgəs/ a. Syn. comparable
(аналогичные) comparable; similar or alike

Spelling Word: analogous
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/ə'nɒnɪməs/ a. Syn. unknown; nameless
(Аноним) having no name; having unknown or unacknowledged name

Spelling Word: anonymous
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/'bɛlɪkoʊs/ a. Syn. warlike; belligerent
(Воинственные) warlike or hostile in manner or temperament; showing or having impulse to be combative

Spelling Word: bellicose
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/blaɪt/ v.
(порча) blast; prevent the growth and fertility of; destroy the happiness of; ruin; frustrate

Spelling Word: blight
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/'krɒnɪk/ a.
(хронических) lasting for long period; marked by frequent recurrence, as certain diseases

Spelling Word: chronic
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/kəm'pʌŋkʃ(ə)n/ n.
(умиления) feeling of deep regret; strong uneasiness caused by a sense of guilt

Spelling Word: compunction
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/kən'si:d/ v. Syn. admit; yield
(уступать) admit; yield; give up physical control of another

Spelling Word: concede