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/æb'sti:mɪəs/ a. Syn. temperate
(節制(飲食),調節) sparing or moderation in eating and drinking; temperate

Spelling Word: abstemious
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/ək'sɛləreɪt/ v. Syn. speed; hasten
(加速) move faster; cause to develop or progress more quickly; occur sooner than expected

Spelling Word: accelerate
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/ækrɪ'moʊnɪəs/ a. Syn. rancorous
(挖苦的,尖酸的(語言,行為)) bitter and sharp in language, tone, or manner

Spelling Word: acrimonious
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/'eɪlɪəneɪt/ v. Syn. estrange; transfer; separate
(孤立,樹敵) cause to become unfriendly or hostile; transfer property or ownership; isolate or dissociate emotionally

Spelling Word: alienate
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/ə'lu:d/ v. Syn. imply; refer
(暗指) refer casually or indirectly, or by suggestion

Spelling Word: allude
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/ə'lu:ʒ(ə)n/ n. Syn. metaphor
(暗指,暗示) indirect reference; symbolical reference or comparison; metaphor

Spelling Word: allusion
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/æpə'θɛtɪk/ a.
(冷漠的,無動於衷的) feeling or showing a lack of interest or concern; indifferent

Spelling Word: apathetic
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/ə'saɪləm/ n. Syn. protection
(庇護所) place of refuge or shelter; protection

Spelling Word: asylum
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/beɪn/ n. Syn. curse
(禍根) something causes misery or death; curse; fatal injury or ruin

Spelling Word: bane
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/blaɪð/ a. Syn. gay; joyous; heedless
(歡樂,高興) gay; joyous; carefree and lighthearted

Spelling Word: blithe