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/mæskə'reɪd/;/mæskə'rɛd/ n.
(化装舞会,伪装) assembly of persons wearing masks, and amusing themselves with dancing, conversation, or other diversions; dramatic performance by actors in masks

Spelling Word: masquerade
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/'mɜrsɪnərɪ/;/-nɛrɪ/ a.
(唯利是图) interested in making money; profit oriented; hired for service in foreign army

Spelling Word: mercenary
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/mɪ'tɪkjʊləs/ a. Syn. scrupulous; cautious
(小心翼翼的) excessively careful; marked by extreme care in treatment of details

Spelling Word: meticulous
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/'mɛt(ə)l/ n. Syn. courage; spirit
(勇气,精神) quality of endurance and courage; good temperament and character

Spelling Word: mettle
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/noʊ'tɔ:rɪəs/ a. Syn. disreputable; infamous
(臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的) disreputable; known widely and usually unfavorably; infamous

Spelling Word: notorious
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/ə'blɪvɪən/ n. Syn. amnesty
(遗忘,赦免) condition or quality of being completely forgotten; official overlooking of offenses; amnesty

Spelling Word: oblivion
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/'pærədɒks/ n. Syn. contradiction
(悖论) something apparently contradictory in nature; statement that looks false but is actually correct

Spelling Word: paradox
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/'pærəfreɪz/ v. Syn. restate; reword
(解释,批注,注释) restate text in one's own words, especially to clarify thought of others

Spelling Word: paraphrase
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/pɜrtɪ'neɪʃəs/;/-tn'eɪʃəs/ a. Syn. stubborn; persistent
(拒不屈服,反抗) stubbornly or perversely persistent; unyielding; obstinate

Spelling Word: pertinacious
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/'pleɪdʒərɪzəm/ n. Syn. copying; imitation
(剽窃) theft of another's ideas or writings passed off as original

Spelling Word: plagiarism