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 Group 4 - Spelling PracticesWord List   Previous    
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/'kwɛrʊləs/ a. Syn. fretful; whining
(투덜거리는) habitually complaining; expressing complaint or grievance

Spelling Word: querulous
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/'rædɪk(ə)l/ a. Syn. drastic; extreme
(급진) drastic; extreme; arising from or going to a root or source; basic

Spelling Word: radical
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/rɪ'fju:t/ v. Syn. disprove
(미쳤군 비난하다) disprove; prove to be false or incorrect

Spelling Word: refute
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/ri:'ɪtəreɪt/ v.
(강조) say, state, or perform again or repeatedly

Spelling Word: reiterate
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/ru:/ v. Syn. regret; lament; mourn
(후회) feel regret, remorse, or sorrow for; mourn

Spelling Word: rue
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/sæŋktɪ'moʊnɪəs/ a. Syn. hypocritical
(신성한 체하는) excessively or hypocritically pious; possessing sanctity; sacred; holy; saintly; religious

Spelling Word: sanctimonious
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/'saɪnɪkjʊə(r)/ n.
(한직) well-paid position with little responsibility

Spelling Word: sinecure
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/'sɔ:dɪd/ a. Syn. filthy; vile; dirty; foul
(칙칙한) filthy; unethical or dishonest; dirty; foul; morally degraded

Spelling Word: sordid
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/spɜrn/ v. Syn. reject; scorn
(일축) reject disdainfully or contemptuously; scorn

Spelling Word: spurn
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/'strɪndʒənt/ a. Syn. binding; rigid
(엄격한) demanding strict attention to rules and procedures; binding; rigid

Spelling Word: stringent