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/'ʃoʊvɪnɪst/ n.
person with prejudiced belief in superiority of own kind

Spelling Word: chauvinist
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/koʊə'lɛs/ v. Syn. combine; fuse; mix
combine; fuse; grow together; come together so as to form one whole; unite

Spelling Word: coalesce
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/koʊə'lɪʃ(ə)n/ n. Syn. partnership; league; union
partnership; league; state of being combined into one body

Spelling Word: coalition
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/koʊ'ɛrfɛn/ n.
use of force to get someone to obey

Spelling Word: coercion
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/kə'lu:ʒ(ə)n/ n.
secret agreement for an illegal purpose; conspiracy

Spelling Word: collusion
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/kən'doʊl/ v. Syn. grieve
grieve; express sympathy; speak sympathetically to one in pain, grief, or misfortune

Spelling Word: condole
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/kən'fɛdərət/ n. Syn. ally; collaborator
ally; form a group or unite

Spelling Word: confederate
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/'kɒnsəmeɪt/ a.
carried to the utmost extent or degree; of the highest quality; complete; perfect

Spelling Word: consummate
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/'koʊtərɪ/ n.
group that meets socially; an exclusive circle of people with common purpose

Spelling Word: coterie
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/'kaʊntɪnəns/ v. Syn. approve; tolerate
give sanction or support to; tolerate or approve

Spelling Word: countenance