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/ɪkli:zɪ'æstɪk/ n.
(الكنسية) minister or priest; cleric; one holding an office in the Christian ministry

Spelling Word: ecclesiastic
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/'i:dɪkt/ n.
(مرسوم) decree ,especially issued by a sovereign; official command

Spelling Word: edict
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/ɒn'wi:/ n.
(الملل) feeling of being bored by something tedious

Spelling Word: ennui
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/ɪ'fɛmərəl/ a.
(المؤقتة) short-lived; enduring a very short time

Spelling Word: ephemeral
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/'ɛpɪθɛt/ n.
(نعت) word or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing

Spelling Word: epithet
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/ɛg'zɒtɪk/ a. Syn. strange
(غريبة) from another part of the world; foreign; strikingly strange or unusual

Spelling Word: exotic
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/ɪk'spi:dɪənt/ a. Syn. suitable
(وسيلة) suitable; appropriate to a purpose; serving to promote your interest

Spelling Word: expedient
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/'ɛkspəgeɪt/ v. Syn. clean
(نقح) clean; remove offensive parts of book

Spelling Word: expurgate
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/ɪk'stɪŋkt/ a. Syn. nonexistent; vanished; dead
(منقرضة) no longer existing or living; vanished; dead

Spelling Word: extinct
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/fə'leɪʃəs/ a. Syn. false; deceptive
(المغالطات) false; tending to mislead; deceptive

Spelling Word: fallacious