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/dɪ'sɛnt/ v. Syn. disagree
(असहमति) differ in opinion or feeling; withhold assent or approval

Spelling Word: dissent
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/daɪ'vɜrsɪfaɪ/ v. Syn. vary
(हठधर्मिता) give variety to; spread out activities or investments

Spelling Word: diversify
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/daɪ'næmɪk/ a. Syn. energetic
(गतिशील) energetic; vigorously active

Spelling Word: dynamic
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/'ɛdɪfaɪ/ v. Syn. instruct
(उपदेश देना) instruct or correct, especially so as to encourage intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement

Spelling Word: edify
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/ɪn'sju:/;/ɪn'su:/ v. Syn. follow
(पीछा करना) pursue; follow or come afterward; follow as a consequence

Spelling Word: ensue
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/'ɛpɪtɑrf/ n.
(epitaph) inscription on tombstone in memory

Spelling Word: epitaph
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/'ɛkwəb(ə)l/ a. Syn. tranquil; uniform
(एकसां) tranquil; not varying; uniform; not easily disturbed

Spelling Word: equable
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/'ɛkskʌlpeɪt/ v.
(सफ़ाई करना) pronounce not guilty of criminal charges

Spelling Word: exculpate
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/ɪg'zɛmplərɪ/ a. Syn. modeled; ideal
(अनुकरणीय) serving as model; outstanding; typical

Spelling Word: exemplary
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/ɪk'stɪŋkt/ a. Syn. nonexistent; vanished; dead
(विलुप्त) no longer existing or living; vanished; dead

Spelling Word: extinct