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/'dɪsəlu:t/ a.
(自堕落) lacking moral restraint; indulging in sensual pleasures or vices

Spelling Word: dissolute
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/daɪ'vɜrsɪfaɪ/ v. Syn. vary
(多様化) give variety to; spread out activities or investments

Spelling Word: diversify
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/ɪkli:zɪ'æstɪk/ n.
(聖職者) minister or priest; cleric; one holding an office in the Christian ministry

Spelling Word: ecclesiastic
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/ɪ'gri:dʒəs/ a. Syn. notorious
(ひどい) notorious; conspicuously bad or shocking

Spelling Word: egregious
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/'ɛpɪgræm/ n.
(警句) witty thought or saying, usually short; short, witty poem expressing a single thought or observation

Spelling Word: epigram
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/i:soʊ'tɛrɪk/ a. Syn. mysterious
(難解) hard to understand; known only in a particular group

Spelling Word: esoteric
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/'ɛkspəgeɪt/ v. Syn. clean
(エクスパゲイト) clean; remove offensive parts of book

Spelling Word: expurgate
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/fə'si:ʃəs/ a. Syn. humorous
(ひょうきん) joking ,often inappropriately; humorous

Spelling Word: facetious
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/'fæð(ə)m/ v.
(尋) measure the depth; come to understand

Spelling Word: fathom
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/fə'lɪsɪtəs/ a. Syn. apt
(幸福な) apt; suitably expressed; well chosen

Spelling Word: felicitous