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/dɪ'sɛnt/ v. Syn. disagree
(反對) differ in opinion or feeling; withhold assent or approval

Spelling Word: dissent
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/daɪ'vɜrsɪfaɪ/ v. Syn. vary
(使多樣化,多元化) give variety to; spread out activities or investments

Spelling Word: diversify
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/ɪn'dʒɛndə(r)/ v. Syn. cause; produce
(產生,導致) cause; bring into existence; give rise to

Spelling Word: engender
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/'ɛksədəs/ n. Syn. departure
(離開,啟程) departure of a large number of people

Spelling Word: exodus
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/ɛks'treɪnɪəs/ a.
(淺的,不重要的) not essential; coming from outside

Spelling Word: extraneous
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/fə'si:ʃəs/ a. Syn. humorous
(不合時宜的玩笑,幽默) joking ,often inappropriately; humorous

Spelling Word: facetious
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/'fætjʊəs/ a. Syn. foolish
(愚蠢的,不可理喻的,不理智的) foolish or silly, especially in self-satisfied way

Spelling Word: fatuous
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/feɪn/ v. Syn. pretend; disguise; conceal
(假裝,捏造) make false appearance of; disguise; conceal; invent or imagine

Spelling Word: feign
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/fə'lɪsɪtɪ/ n. Syn. happiness
(歡樂,適當) great happiness; pleasing and appropriate manner or style

Spelling Word: felicity
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/'fɛtɪʃ/ n.
((崇拜的)神物) a charm superstitiously believed to embody magical powers; excessive or irrational devotion to some activity

Spelling Word: fetish