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/mə'roʊs/ a. Syn. sullen; gloomy
(不機嫌) ill humored; sullen; depressingly dark; gloomy; persistent

Spelling Word: morose
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/ə'blɪvɪən/ n. Syn. amnesty
(忘却) condition or quality of being completely forgotten; official overlooking of offenses; amnesty

Spelling Word: oblivion
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/əb'sɛʃ(ə)n/ n. Syn. fascination; mania
(執着するのは) compulsive, often unreasonable idea or emotion

Spelling Word: obsession
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/'pærədɒks/ n. Syn. contradiction
(パラドックス) something apparently contradictory in nature; statement that looks false but is actually correct

Spelling Word: paradox
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/'pærəfreɪz/ v. Syn. restate; reword
(言い換え) restate text in one's own words, especially to clarify thought of others

Spelling Word: paraphrase
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/'pærədɪ/ n.
(パロディ) work or performance that imitates another work or performance with ridicule or irony; make fun of

Spelling Word: parody
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/pɪ'dəntɪk/ a. Syn. bookish
(衒学) marked by narrow focus on or display of learning, especially formal rules and trivial points

Spelling Word: pedantic
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/'pɒndərəs/ a. Syn. weighty
(重い) slow and laborious because of weight; labored and dull

Spelling Word: ponderous
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/'prɒməntərɪ/;/-tɔ:rɪ/ n. Syn. cliff
(岬) natural elevation, especially a rock that projects into the sea; cliff; headland; high cape

Spelling Word: promontory
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/prɒk'sɪmɪtɪ/ n. Syn. nearness; adjacency
(近接) state of being proximate; nearness in place, time, or relation

Spelling Word: proximity