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/'sækroʊsæŋkt/ a. Syn. inviolable
(مقدس) regarded as sacred and inviolable

Spelling Word: sacrosanct
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/sæŋktɪ'moʊnɪəs/ a. Syn. hypocritical
(پاھنڈی) excessively or hypocritically pious; possessing sanctity; sacred; holy; saintly; religious

Spelling Word: sanctimonious
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/'sɪmpə(r)/ v. Syn. smirk
(چمکیلی مسکرانا) smirk; smile in artificial way to make an impression

Spelling Word: simper
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/'sɔ:dɪd/ a. Syn. filthy; vile; dirty; foul
(گندا) filthy; unethical or dishonest; dirty; foul; morally degraded

Spelling Word: sordid
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/'strɪndʒənt/ a. Syn. binding; rigid
(لنک) demanding strict attention to rules and procedures; binding; rigid

Spelling Word: stringent
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/stju:'pɛndəs/;/stu:-/ a.
(تنگ stupendous) astonishing; wonderful; amazing, especially, astonishing in magnitude or elevation

Spelling Word: stupendous
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/'sʌkjʊlənt/ a. Syn. delectable
(رسیلا) full of juicy; full of richness; highly interesting or enjoyable; delectable

Spelling Word: succulent
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/'sʌltrɪ/ a.
(امسدار) burning hot; extremely and unpleasantly hot

Spelling Word: sultry
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/tɪ'mɛrɪtɪ/ n. Syn. boldness; rashness
(اتاولاپن) boldness; rashness; foolhardy disregard of danger

Spelling Word: temerity
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/'tɛnɪt/ n. Syn. doctrine; dogma
(tenet) opinion, doctrine, or principle held as being true by person or organization

Spelling Word: tenet