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/'sækroʊsæŋkt/ a. Syn. inviolable
(非常神聖的) regarded as sacred and inviolable

Spelling Word: sacrosanct
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/sæŋktɪ'moʊnɪəs/ a. Syn. hypocritical
(假正經的,假裝神聖的) excessively or hypocritically pious; possessing sanctity; sacred; holy; saintly; religious

Spelling Word: sanctimonious
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/skɜrdʒ/ n. Syn. lash; whip
(鞭笞,蹂躪) whip used to inflict punishment; severe punishment

Spelling Word: scourge
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/'sɪmpə(r)/ v. Syn. smirk
(痴笑,傻笑) smirk; smile in artificial way to make an impression

Spelling Word: simper
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/sɒpə'rɪfɪk/ a.
(催眠的) sleep-causing; marked by sleepiness

Spelling Word: soporific
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/spə'rædɪk/ a.
(零星的) occurring at irregular intervals; having no pattern or order in time

Spelling Word: sporadic
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/'stoʊɪk/ a. Syn. impassive
(高度自製者,堅忍克己之人) indifferent to or unaffected by joy, grief, pleasure, or pain

Spelling Word: stoic
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/tɔ:nt/ v.
(嘲笑,譏笑) reproach in a mocking, insulting, or contemptuous manner; make fun of , often in an aggressive manner

Spelling Word: taunt
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/'trɛmjʊləs/ a. Syn. trembling; wavering
(震蕩的) marked by trembling, quivering, or shaking; timid or fearful; timorous

Spelling Word: tremulous
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/'trukjələns/ n. Syn. aggressiveness; ferocity
(野蠻,粗魯) aggressiveness; ferocity; ferociously cruel actions or behavior

Spelling Word: truculence