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(コンテスト) elaborate exhibition devised for the entertainment; show, spectacle, or display

Spelling Word: pageant
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n. Syn. apoplexy
(麻痺) loss of the ability to move a body part

Spelling Word: paralysis
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n. Syn. sponsorship; support
(後援は) sponsorship; support; state of being a sponsor

Spelling Word: patronage
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(滅びる) be destroyed; pass away; become nothing

Spelling Word: perish
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(桟橋) landing place; platform built out from shore into water and supported by piles; provides access to ships

Spelling Word: pier
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n. Syn. farm
(植林) farm; an area under cultivation; a group of cultivated trees or plants

Spelling Word: plantation
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n. Syn. concern; involvement
(関心事) state of being preoccupied; absorption of the attention or intellect

Spelling Word: preoccupation
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v. Syn. uphold; retain; maintain
(保存) uphold; retain; maintain in safety from injury, peril, or harm

Spelling Word: preserve
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a. Syn. primary; principal; chief
(首相) first in excellence, quality, or value; at the best stage; peak; first in degree or rank; chief

Spelling Word: prime
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a. Syn. chief; main
(主要) highest in rank, authority, character, importance, or degree

Spelling Word: principal