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n. Syn. purpose
(vì) purpose; reason for wanting something done

Spelling Word: sake
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n. Syn. resources
(tiết kiệm) resources; money saved

Spelling Word: savings
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v. Syn. write
(kịch bản) prepare text for filming or broadcasting

Spelling Word: script
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a. Syn. subordinate
(trung học) not of major importance; of second rank or importance or value; not direct or immediate

Spelling Word: secondary
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(riêng) set or keep apart; disunite; divide; disconnect

Spelling Word: separate
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(giải quyết) take up residence; form a community; come to rest; bring to an end; fix firmly

Spelling Word: settle
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(xã hội học) branch of philosophy which treats of the constitution, phenomena, and development of human society; social science

Spelling Word: sociology
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(điểm vảy vàng trên quần áo) small metallic piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation

Spelling Word: spangle
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n. Syn. ball; globe
(cầu) ball; globe; a particular aspect of life or activity

Spelling Word: sphere
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a. Syn. fixed; steadfast; constant
(ổn định) not easily moved or disturbed

Spelling Word: stable