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n. Syn. task; project; career
(任务,事业) task or assignment undertaken; career

Spelling Word: undertaking
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ad. Syn. unquestionably; indubitably
(毋庸置疑地,确凿地) unquestionably; without doubt; certainly

Spelling Word: undoubtedly
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a. Syn. comprehensive; general; worldwide
(通用的) affecting all; general; present everywhere; relating to the entire world or all within the world; worldwide

Spelling Word: universal
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ad. Syn. unprincipled; immoral
(肆无忌惮地,无道德地) unprincipled; immoral; without scruples

Spelling Word: unscrupulously
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n. Syn. cover; hide
(隐藏,遮蔽,面纱) a length of cloth worn by women over the head, shoulders, and often the face; cover; hide

Spelling Word: veil
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n. Syn. edition
(版本) written work in a new form; edition; interpretation of a particular viewpoint

Spelling Word: version
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n. Syn. rejection; prohibition
(否决,否决权) rejection; vote that blocks a decision; deny; prohibit; command against

Spelling Word: veto
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(小提琴,小提琴手) small instrument with four strings, played with a bow; a fiddle

Spelling Word: violin
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n. Syn. capacity; bulk; amount
(体积,容积,量) capacity; amount of space occupied by an object

Spelling Word: volume
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(但是,相反,鉴于,因) while on the contrary; while at the same time

Spelling Word: whereas