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a. Syn. irregular; odd; whimsical; bizarre
(विलक्षण) departing from a recognized, conventional, or established norm or pattern

Spelling Word: eccentric
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(eclecticism) any form of art that borrows from multiple other styles

Spelling Word: eclecticism
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n. Syn. brink; perimeter; margin
(धार) brink; perimeter; margin

Spelling Word: edge
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(विद्युत्कार) one whose occupation is the installation, maintenance, repair, or operation of electric equipment and circuitry

Spelling Word: electrician
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(एस्केलेटर) stairway whose steps move continuously on a circulating belt

Spelling Word: escalator
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n. Syn. development; progression
(विकास) development; progression

Spelling Word: evolution
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n. Syn. accomplishment; putting into practice
(निष्पादन) accomplishment; putting into practice; putting a person to death

Spelling Word: execution
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n. Syn. skill
(विशेषज्ञता) specialized knowledge; expert skill

Spelling Word: expertise
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n. Syn. ability
(संकाय) inherent power or ability; body of persons with specific professional powers

Spelling Word: faculty
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n. Syn. agitation
(किण्वन) conversion of sugar to carbon dioxide and alcohol by yeast; state of being in high activity or commotion

Spelling Word: fermentation