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(舒适,悠闲,容易,不费力) satisfaction; pleasure; entertainment; freedom from care

Spelling Word: ease
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a. Syn. eatable
(可食用的) eatable; substance that can be used as food

Spelling Word: edible
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(弹性 伸缩力) tendency of a body to return to its original shape after it has been stretched or compressed

Spelling Word: elasticity
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a. Syn. oval
(椭圆的,有意模棱两可的) rounded like an egg; in a shape reminding of an ellipse; oval

Spelling Word: elliptical
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a. Syn. odd; unpredictable
(奇怪的,不可预测的) no fixed or regular course; wandering

Spelling Word: erratic
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n. Syn. manners; decorum
(礼仪,礼节) manners; rules governing socially acceptable behavior

Spelling Word: etiquette
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v. Syn. judge; appraise; estimate
(评价,估价) judge; examine and judge carefully; appraise

Spelling Word: evaluate
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v. Syn. unearth
(挖掘,掘出,发掘) unearth; dig out; make a hole in; hollow out

Spelling Word: excavate
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(排气,排气装置) gases ejected from an engine as waste products ; use up the whole supply of

Spelling Word: exhaust
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(宴会,筵席,宗教节日) festival or holiday; festive or joyous meal; something highly agreeable; entertainment

Spelling Word: feast