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n. Syn. idol
(شبیہ) religious image; idol; important and enduring symbol

Spelling Word: icon
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(مثالی) existing in idea or thought; conception; intellectual; mental; imaginary standard of excellence; fit for a model; faultless

Spelling Word: ideal
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a. Syn. traceable
(شناخت) traceable; possible to identify

Spelling Word: identifiable
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(جہالت) lack of knowledge or education

Spelling Word: ignorance
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n. Syn. picture; figure
(تصویری) visual representation; representation of a person

Spelling Word: image
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n. Syn. emulation
(مشابہت) emulation; copying the actions of someone else

Spelling Word: imitation
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a. Syn. exempt; resistant
(مدافعتی) resistant to; free or exempt from; not subject to

Spelling Word: immune
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a. Syn. unlikely; impossible
(illusive improbable) unlikely; impossible; not likely to be true

Spelling Word: improbable
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v. Syn. extemporize
(improvise) compose, perform, or do something with little or no preparation

Spelling Word: improvise
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n. Syn. resident; occupant
(باشندے) resident; someone or thing who lives in a place

Spelling Word: inhabitant