3500 ACT Vocabulary | Introduction |
Group (2) - Matching Quizzes |
(مسخراپن) clowning; arts and practices of buffoon, as low jests, ridiculous pranks, vulgar tricks and postures | |
(bewilder) lead into perplexity or confusion; perplex with mazes | |
(روک والی آڑ) hastily put together defensive barrier; obstacle | |
(blanch) cause to turn white or become pale; take color from; bleach |
(beleaguer) besiege or attack; harass; surround with troops | |
(bewilder) lead into perplexity or confusion; perplex with mazes | |
(beatitude) blessedness; state of extreme happiness | |
(دھوپ سینکنا) luxuriate; take pleasure in warmth |
(دھمکی) blow in heavy gusts; speak in a loudly arrogant or bullying manner | |
(دھوپ سینکنا) luxuriate; take pleasure in warmth | |
(گڑھ) fortress; projecting part of fortification; well-fortified position | |
(روک والی آڑ) hastily put together defensive barrier; obstacle |
(سومی) kindly; favorable; not malignant | |
(brawn) solid and well-developed muscles, especially of the arms and legs | |
(befuddle) confuse thoroughly; becloud and confuse, as with liquor; make stupid with alcohol | |
(bilious boorish) rude and clumsy in behavior; ungentlemanly; awkward in manners |
(دھمکی) blow in heavy gusts; speak in a loudly arrogant or bullying manner | |
(سومی) kindly; favorable; not malignant | |
(روک والی آڑ) hastily put together defensive barrier; obstacle | |
(betoken) signify; indicate; be a visible sign of; give evidence of |
(مسخراپن) clowning; arts and practices of buffoon, as low jests, ridiculous pranks, vulgar tricks and postures | |
(دیوالیہ بینر) flag; sign; a newspaper headline that runs across the full page | |
(سرحد) dividing line; border; frontier | |
(blanch) cause to turn white or become pale; take color from; bleach |
(حضور) inclination of head, or bending of body for reverence, respect, civility, or submission; bending or rounded part of ship forward | |
(bilious boorish) rude and clumsy in behavior; ungentlemanly; awkward in manners | |
(blandishment) flattery; speech or action expressive of affection or kindness, and tending to win the heart | |
(غلطی) serious mistake typically caused by ignorance or confusion |
(betoken) signify; indicate; be a visible sign of; give evidence of | |
(غلطی) serious mistake typically caused by ignorance or confusion | |
(سرحد) dividing line; border; frontier | |
(حضور) inclination of head, or bending of body for reverence, respect, civility, or submission; bending or rounded part of ship forward |
(befuddle) confuse thoroughly; becloud and confuse, as with liquor; make stupid with alcohol | |
(blanch) cause to turn white or become pale; take color from; bleach | |
(وسییت) leave to someone by a will; hand down | |
(brawling) have legs that curve outward at the knees |
(توڑنے) divorce; separation; loss of control or composure | |
(کھلونا) small, showy ornament of little value; child's plaything or toy | |
(بنیادی اصول) foundation; basis; solid rock that underlies loose material, such as soil, sand, clay, or gravel | |
(betoken) signify; indicate; be a visible sign of; give evidence of |