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3500 ACT Vocabulary
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Group (1) - Spelling Practices
(त्याग) lacking restraint or control; feeling of extreme emotional intensity; unbounded enthusiasm
(परित्याग) recklessly unrestrained; deserted; left to destruction
(परित्याग) giving up completely; freedom from constraint
(शरमाना) humiliate; lower or depress in rank or esteem
(लज्जित करना) embarrass; make ashamed or uneasy; disconcert
(अपमानित करना abate) subside; decrease; become less in amount or intensity
(संक्षिप्त) make shorter; reduce to shorter form intended to represent full form, as for word or phrase
(बच) give up, renounce, abandon, lay down, or withdraw from, as a right or claim
(न्यायपालिका) abnormal; markedly different from an accepted norm
(abet) aid, usually in doing something wrong; encourage
(प्रास्थगित) suspended action; temporary cessation or suspension
(घृणा) fill with horror and loathing; horrify; hate
(पालन) endure; put up with; bear; tolerate
(स्थायी) lasting for a long time; enduring; permanent
(त्यागना) renounce upon oath; abandon forever
(स्नान) washing or cleansing of the body, especially as part of religious rite
(अस्वीकार करना) give up or surrender; deny something to oneself
(अस्वीकार) repudiation; self-sacrifice; renouncing your own interests in favor of interests of others
(समाप्त) cancel; put an end to; destroy completely
(उन्मूलन) ending; act of abolishing; act of doing away with
(घृणित) detestable; extremely unpleasant; very bad
(आदिवासी) being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native
(नष्ट करना) unsuccessful; failing to accomplish an intended objective; fruitless
(नष्ट करना) wear away by friction; scrape; erode
(निष्फल अपघर्षक) rubbing away; tending to grind down
(संक्षेपण) condense; shorten; reduce length of written text
(रद्द) abolish, do away with, or annul, especially by authority
(उग्र) leave quickly and secretly and hide oneself, often to avoid arrest or prosecution
(अनुपस्थित) go away or leave ; missing; not present
(अनुपस्थिति) habitual not to appear, especially for work or other regular duty
(बचना) refrain; hold oneself back voluntarily from an action or practice
(संयमी) sparing or moderation in eating and drinking; temperate
(गूढ़) obscure; profound; difficult to understand.
(प्रचुर) plentiful; possessing riches or resources
(बहुतायत से) in great numbers; in a plentiful or sufficient degree; plentifully
(abut) border upon; adjoin; touch or end at one end or side; lie adjacent
(abysmal) bottomless; very profound; limitless; very bad
(मान लेना) agree; give consent, often at insistence of another; concede
(त्वरक) increasing in speed
(त्वरण) faster rate of improvement; rate of change of velocity with respect to time
(दबाव का चिह्न करना) emphasize; stress; pronounce with a stress or accent; mark with an accent
(सुलभ) easily approached or entered; obtainable; easy to talk to or get along with
(दुर्घटना) event that takes place without one's foresight or expectation; sudden, and unexpected event
(अकस्मात) inadvertently; by chance; casually; fortuitously; not essentially or intrinsically
(प्रशंसा) applaud; announce with great approval
(acclimate) accustom or become accustomed to a new environment or situation; adapt
(चढ़ाना) upward slope, as of hill
(accolade) award of merit; expression of approval; praise
(समायोजित) do a favor or service for; provide for; supply with; make suitable; adapt; allow for
(मिलनसार) helpful in bringing about a harmonious adaptation
(पूरा) succeed in doing; bring to pass; achieve; reach the end of; complete
(संभाषण करना) approach and speak to boldly or aggressively, as with demand or request
(accouter) equip; provide with military equipment
(अभिवृद्धि) growth or increase in size by gradual external addition, fusion, or inclusion
(एकत्रित) increase, accumulate, or come about as a result of growth; accumulate over time
(संचय) increase by natural growth or addition; concentration
(आरोप) indictment; charge of wrongdoing that is made against a person or other party
(आदी) habitual to; used to; frequently practiced, used, or experienced; customary
(तीक्ष्णता) bitterness of speech and temper; sourness or acidness of taste, character, or tone
(एसिटिक) having properties of vinegar; sour
(प्राप्त) gain with effort; accomplish; fulfill
(उपलब्धि) feat; accomplishment; award for completing a particular task or meeting an objective
(थोड़ा अम्ल) slightly sour in taste or in manner; sharp; caustic
(ध्वनिकी) science of sound; quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in
(परिचित कराने का आरोप लगाया) inform about; cause to come to know personally; make familiar
(परिचित) known by or familiar with another; informed or familiar
(acquiesce) assent; agree without protesting
(अधिग्रहण) gain through experience or effort; gain possession of; locate with tracking system
(उग्र) unpleasantly sharp or bitter to taste or smell; bitterly pungent
(उग्र) bitter and sharp in language, tone, or manner
(acrophobia) fear of heights; abnormal fear of high places
(सक्रियता) energetically; vigorously; in an active manner; voluntarily, not passively
(तीखा बीमांकिक) calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics
(अत्यधिक) put into motion or action; activate
(तीक्ष्णता) sharpness; acuteness of vision or perception; keenness
(कुशाग्र बुद्धि) mental keenness; quickness of perception
(अनुकूलनीय) flexible; becoming or being made suitable to particular situation or use
(अनुकूली) having a capacity for adaptation; capable of adapting
(परिशिष्ट) something added or to be added, especially a supplement to a book
(अतिरिक्त) further; extra; supplemental or added to
(सड़ा) muddle; drive crazy; become confused
(निपुण) expert at; very skilled; having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude
(पक्षपाती) person who adheres; one who follows or upholds a leader, party, cause
(चिपकने) glue; paste ; substance that unites or bonds surfaces together
(सटना) be next to; be contiguous to; border on
(निर्णय करना) hear and settle a case by judicial procedure
(सहायक) something added on or attached generally nonessential or inferior
(शपथ लेकर कहना) appeal to or entreat earnestly; command or enjoin solemnly, as under oath
(प्रबंधन करना) govern; supervise; give or apply medications
(प्रशंसा) favorable judgment; feeling of pleasure, wonder, and approval
(वैसे) doubtlessly; in an acknowledged manner; confessedly
(धिक्कारना) warn; counsel someone against something to be avoided
(चेतावनी) gentle or friendly reproof; cautionary advice or warning
(सजाना) enhance or decorate with or as if with ornaments
(एकत्रीकरण) embellishment; decoration; something that beautifies or adorns; ornament
(निपुण) skillful and adept under pressing conditions
(खुशामद) excessive flattery or admiration; unmerited praise
(मिलावट) make impure by adding inferior or tainted substances
(adumbrate) give hint or indication of something; disclose partially or guardedly; overshadow; shade
(अग्रिम) proceed; move forward; improve; moving forward
(साहसिक) improved; highly developed or complex; ahead of the times; progressive
(आगमन) coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important
(आकस्मिक) accidental; casual; not inherent but added extrinsically
(प्रतिकूल) in opposing direction; harmful or unfavorable; acting or serving to oppose
(वकालत) support; active pleading on behalf of something
(फरार Aerie) nest of bird, such as eagle, built on a cliff or other high place
(सौंदर्य) elegant or tasteful; of or concerning appreciation of beauty or good taste
(मिलनसार) easily approachable; warmly friendly
(प्रभावित) have an emotional or cognitive impact upon
(स्नेह) fondness; tender feeling toward another; fondness
(स्नेही) having affection or warm regard; loving; fond; kindly inclined; zealous
(आकर्षण) natural attraction, liking, or feeling of kinship; relationship by marriage
(प्रतिज्ञान) positive assertion; confirmation; solemn pledge by one who refuses to take an oath
(प्रत्यय) fasten; append; add on; secure to something
(संपन्नता) abundance; a plentiful supply of material goods; wealth
(संपन्न) having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value
(अपमान) insult; offense; intentional act of disrespect
(एजेंडा) items of business at a meeting; list or program of things to be done or considered
(ढेर) collection; heap; act or process of gathering into a mass
(शक्ति अथवा प्रतिक्षा में बढ़ाना) increase scope of; extend; intensify; make greater in power, influence, stature, or reputation
(उत्तेजक) irritating; annoying; making worse or more heinous
(कुल) gather into a mass, sum, or whole; amount to
(आक्रामक) making assaults; unjustly attacking; combative; hostile; tending to spread quickly
(आक्रामकता) feeling of hostility that arouses thoughts of attack; quality of being bold and enterprising
(भौचक्का) struck by shock, terror, or amazement
(चपलता) mentally quick; moving quickly and lightly
(उत्तेजित करना) cause to move with violence or sudden force; upset; disturb
(आंदोलन) anxiety; extreme emotional disturbance
(नास्तिक) one who is skeptical of existence of a god or any ultimate reality
(कृषि) pertaining to land or its cultivation; relating to agricultural or rural matters
(अधखुला) half-open; slightly turned or opened
(तत्परता) cheerful promptness or willingness; eagerness; speed or quickness
(कीमिया) medieval chemistry; magical or mysterious power or process of transforming
(alcove प्राप्त) nook; small, recessed section of a room
(एल्गोरिथ्म) established procedure for solving problem
(विदेशी) dissimilar, inconsistent, or opposed in nature; very different place, society, or person
(पाचन) providing nourishment; concerned with food, nutrition, or digestion
(दूर) calm; pacify; reduce the intensity of; relieve
(आरोप) state without proof; assert to be true
(रूपक) symbolic representation of abstract ideas or principles in narrative, dramatic, or pictorial form
(अनुप्रास) repetition of beginning sound in poetry
(आवंटित) assign; distribute according to plan
(संकेत करना) refer casually or indirectly, or by suggestion
(संकेत) indirect reference; symbolical reference or comparison; metaphor
(ऊपर) in or into a high place; high or higher up
(वैकल्पिक) happening or following in turns; succeeding each other continuously; substitute
(ऊंचाई) elevation especially above sea level; height
(परोपकारी) unselfishly generous; concerned for others
(मिलाना) combine; unite in one body; mix or alloy a metal with mercury
(एकत्र करना) collect; gather for oneself, as for one's pleasure or profit
(कपटी) capable of using either hand with equal ease
(माहौल) particular environment or surrounding influence; atmosphere of environment
(अस्पष्ट) unclear or doubtful in meaning
(ambivalence) state of having contradictory or conflicting emotional attitudes, such as love and hate
(टहलना) moving at an easy pace; walk slowly or leisurely
(चल) able to walk; formed or adapted for walking; not stationary
(उन्नति) make or become better; improve; grow better
(उत्तरदायी) responsive to advice or suggestion; responsible to higher authority; willing to comply with; agreeable
(सुविधाएं) convenient features; courtesies
(मिलनसार) good-natured and likable; lovable; warmly friendly
(सौहार्दपूर्ण) exhibiting friendliness or goodwill; not quarrelsome
(बीच) in the middle of; among; surrounded by
(सौहार्द) friendship; peaceful relations, as between nations
(कामुक) moved by sexual love; loving
(अनाकार) formless; lacking shape or definition
(उभयचर) able to live both on land and in water
(अखाड़ा) oval building with tiers of seats from central open space or arena
(बढ़ाना) broaden or clarify by expanding; intensify; make larger or more powerful; increase
(काटना) cut off part of body, especially by surgery; prune
(anachronistic) having time error in story; erroneous in date; in wrong time
(एनाल्जेसिक) serving to reduce sensibility to pain without loss of consciousness
(अनुरूप) comparable; similar or alike
(अराजकतावादी) person who seeks to overturn established government; advocate of abolishing authority
(अभिशाप) solemn curse; someone or something regarded as a curse
(पूर्वज) forefather; forebear; forerunner or predecessor
(वंश) family descent; series or line of ancestors; lineage
(सहायक) serving as aid or accessory; auxiliary
(anecdotal) having the character of an anecdote; of short story of interesting or humorous incident
(कोणीय) sharp-cornered; consisting of an angle or angles; stiff in manner
(चेतन) endowed with life; alive; living; animated
(एनिमेटेड) having life or vigor or spirit; filled with activity; in form of cartoon
(विरोध) feeling of enmity or ill will; attitude that informs one's actions; disposition
(इतिहास) chronological record of the events of successive years
(सफाया) destroy completely; reduce to nonexistence
(टिप्पणी) comment; make explanatory notes
(निर्णायक) herald; give out; proclaim; make known publicly
(घोषणा) formal public statement; act of making known publicly
(मनोरंजन परेशान) disturb, especially by minor irritations; irritate
(वार्षिकी) annual payment of allowance or income; periodical payment, amounting to a fixed sum in each year
(रद्द) make or declare void or invalid; reduce to nothing
(पीड़ा - नाशक) source of relaxation or comfort; medicine that relieves pain
(अभिषेक) apply oil or similar substance to; put oil on during religious ceremony as a sign of sanctification or consecration.
(विषम) deviating from normal or common order, form, or rule
(विसंगति) irregularity; person or something that is unusual; departure from normal or common order
(अनामक) having no name; having unknown or unacknowledged name
(विरोध) active resistance; condition of being an opposing principle, force, or factor
(antecede) precede; go before in time, and sometimes in place, rank, or logical order
(पूर्ववृत्त) preceding events or circumstances that influence what comes later; ancestors or early background
(पुराना) antiquated; extremely old and ancient; belonging to very ancient times
(संकलन) book of literary selections by various authors
(anthropocentric) regarding human beings as the center of the universe
(मानवाकार) manlike; resembling a human, especially in shape or outward appearance
(anthropomorphic) having human form or characteristics
(अवनति) letdown in thought or emotion; decline viewed in disappointing contrast with previous rise
(घृणा) strong feeling of aversion; dislike
(प्रतिपक्षता) contrast; direct contrast; opposition
(प्राचीन उत्सुक) eager; keen; worried; uneasy and apprehensive about an uncertain event or matter
(उदासीनता) lack of caring; indifference
(एपर्चर) opening; diameter of such an opening; hole
(शीर्ष) highest point; vertex; summit; climax
(वाचाघात) loss of speech due to injury or illness
(सूत्र) definition or concise statement of principle; tersely phrased statement of truth or opinion
(apiary) place where bees and beehives are kept, especially where bees are raised for their honey
(अभिमान) poise; self-confident assurance
(मनगढ़ंत) untrue; of questionable authorship or authenticity; erroneous; fictitious
(apogee) the highest point; point in orbit most distant from the body being orbited
(अराजनैतिक) having aversion or lack of concern for political affairs
(apologist) person who argues in defense or justification of something, such as doctrine, policy, or institution
(स्वधर्मत्यागी) one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs
(apotheosis) elevation to godhood; fact or action of becoming a god; an ideal example of something
(भयभीत करना) depress or discourage with fear; grow faint or become weak
(प्रेत) ghostly figure; sudden or unusual sight; appearance; state of being visible
(पदवी) name; title; act of naming; act of appealing for aid, sympathy
(जोड़) attach; add as supplement or appendix
(उपकरण) durable goods for home or office use; device or instrument for household use
(लागू) exert; put into service; avail oneself to;
(बांटना) distribute; allot; give out as one's portion or share
(apposite) strikingly appropriate and relevant; well-suited
(मूल्यांकन) estimate value of; evaluate, especially in official capacity
(आशंका) fearful or uneasy anticipation of the future; act of seizing or capturing; understanding
(शिक्षुता) term during which one learns a trade from skilled worker; service or legal condition of an apprentice
(अवगत कराया) inform; give notice to; make aware
(अनुमोदन) impending; of the relatively near future; coming closer to another
(अनुमोदन) expression of warm approval; praise
(विनियोग) funding; money set aside for a specific purpose
(योग्यता) with reference or regard; in respect
(aptly) in a competent capable manner; in an apt or suitable manner
(जलीय) consisting of, relating to, or being in water
(गस्र्ड��वत) curved or hooked like an eagle's beak
(कृषि योग्य) fit for growing crops, as by plowing
(मध्यस्थ) person with power to decide a dispute; judge
(arboretum) place where different tree varieties are exhibited
(रहस्यमय) secret; mysterious; known only to the initiated
(पुरातत्व) study of artifacts and relics of early mankind
(पुराने अनुरूप) no longer current or applicable; antiquated
(मूलरूप आदर्श) prototype; original model or type after which other similar things are patterned
(द्वीपसमूह) group of closely located islands
(वास्तुकला) art and science of designing and erecting buildings; buildings and other large structures
(प्रबल) displaying or by strong enthusiasm or devotion; passionate
(कठिन) demanding great effort or labor; difficult
(शुष्क) dry; lacking moisture, especially having insufficient rainfall to support trees or plants
(शिष्टजन) hereditary nobility; privileged class
(armada) a fleet of warships; a large group of moving things
(सुगंध) fragrance; scent; pleasant characteristic odor, as of a plant, spice, or food
(सुरभित) fragrant or sweet-smelling; caused by fragrant odor
(arousal) act of awaking from sleep; arousing from what is like sleep
(जगाना) excite; stimulate; awaken from or as if from sleep
(दोष लगाना) officially charge someone in a court of law
(बकाया) being in debt; unpaid, overdue debt or an unfulfilled obligation
(हथियाना) claim without justification; claim for oneself without right
(अरोयो) deep gully; a dry gulch; brook or creek; watercourse
(गठिया) inflammation of a joint or joints
(लेख) essay; editorial; individual thing or element of a class
(मुखर) expressing oneself easily in clear and effective language
(चालाकी) subtle but base deception; trickery; cleverness or skill; ingenuity
(कारीगर) manually skilled worker; craftsman, as opposed to artist
(अकृत्रिम) free of artificiality; natural; open and honest
(प्रभुत्व) superiority or decisive advantage; domination
(तपस्वी) leading a life of self-discipline and self-denial; austere
(मानो) inscribe or dedicate; attribute to a specified cause, source, or origin; assign as a quality
(सड़न रोकनेवाला) preventing infection; having cleansing effect
(भस्मवर्ण) ash-colored; very pale; consisting of ashes
(askance) with sideways or indirect look; Turned to side, especially of eyes
(तिरछा) turned or twisted toward one side; at an angle
(पहलू) distinct feature or element in a problem; a way in which something can be viewed by the mind
(तीक्ष्णता) sharpness of temper; roughness or harshness, as of surface, sound, or climate
(आकांक्षी) one who aspires, as to advancement, honors, or a high position
(आक्रमण करना) assault; attack with or as if with violent blows
(परख) analyze; evaluate; examine by trial or experiment; put to test
(विधानसभा) gathering; meeting; a group of persons gathered together for common reason
(जोर) express agreement to what is alleged or proposed; accept
(परिश्रमी) constant in application or attention; diligent; unceasing or persistent
(आत्मसात) incorporate and absorb into mind; make similar; cause to resemble
(सहायता) give help or support to, especially as a subordinate
(सहायक) helper; person who assists or helps someone else
(शांत कर लेता) ease or lessen pain; satisfy or appease
(दृष्टिवैषम्य सहमति) eye defect that prevents proper focus
(कसैले) causing contraction; having the effect of drawing tissue together; stern or austere
(खगोलीय) enormously large or extensive; relating to astronomy
(asunder) into separate parts or pieces; apart
(असममित) not identical on both sides of a dividing central line
(atavism) resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents; deformity returning after passage of two or more generations
(atavistic) displaying characteristics of previous cultural era or of previous ancestral form
(नास्तिक) denying existence of God; godless
(क्रूरता) brutal deed; atrocious condition, quality, or behavior; monstrousness
(शोष) wasting away; decrease in size; reduction in the functionality of an organ caused by disease
(देते हैं) fasten; annex; be in contact with
(आत्मकथा) fastened together; joined by wall, especially by sharing a wall with another building; not freestanding
(प्राप्ति) something, such as an accomplishment or achievement; achievement
(attenuate) make slender, fine, or small; weaken; lessen density of
(वकील) lawyer; one who is appointed by another to act in his place or stead; proxy
(आकर्षित) draw to, or cause to tend to; engage or fix, as the mind, attention; invite or allure
(गुण) essential quality; reputation; honor
(संघर्षण) gradual decrease in numbers; reduction in work force without firing employees; wearing away of opposition by means of harassment
(atypical) not normal; unusual or irregular; not representative of a group, class, or type
(दुस्साहसिक) fearlessly, often recklessly daring; bold
(लेखा परीक्षा) examination of accounts; adjustment or correction of accounts
(श्रवण) of or relating to hearing, the organs of hearing, or the sense of hearing
(बरमा) hand tool for boring holes; hollow drill used to take core samples of soil, ice
(बढ़ाने) make greater, as in size, extent, or quantity
(भविष्यवाणी) sign of something coming; art or practice of foretelling events by signs or omens
(किरणों का पुंज) the outermost region of the sun's atmosphere; halo
(Auroral) characteristic of dawn; dawning, eastern, like new beginning; relating to the atmospheric phenomenon auroras
(शुभ) attended by favorable circumstances; marked by success; prosperous
(तपस्या) strict or severe in discipline; severely simple and unornamented
(प्रमाणित) prove genuine; establish authenticity of
(सत्तावादी) expecting absolute obedience; completely dominating another's will
(आधिकारिक) having weight of authority; peremptory and dictatorial
(अधिकार) jurisdiction; power to enforce laws, exact obedience, command, determine, or judge; government
(अधिकृत) empower; give permission for; sanction
(तानाशाह) dictator; ruler having unlimited power
(निरंकुश) having absolute, unchecked power; dictatorial
(automaton) mechanism that imitates actions of humans
(स्वायत्त) self-governing; not controlled by others or by outside forces; independent
(स्वायत्तता) independence; self-government or the right of self-government; self-determination
(सहायक) helper, additional or subsidiary
(हिमस्खलन) great mass of falling snow and ice
(लोभ) greediness for wealth; insatiable desire of gain
(सिद्ध करना) declare to be true; affirm
(हिचकते) reluctant; disinclined; turned away or backward; unwilling
(घृणा) firm dislike; turning away; avoidance of a thing, situation, or behavior because of dislike
(एवियरी) large cage, building, or enclosure in which birds are reared or kept
(विमानन) art or science of flying; flight; aeronautics
(attest गठरी) greedy; eager for; marked by keen interest and enthusiasm
(धन्धा) activity taken up in addition to one's regular work or profession, usually for enjoyment
(बच्चे घर में रहनेवाला परिचर) keeping away from or preventing from happening
(खुलकर कहना) declare openly; acknowledge openly, boldly, and unashamedly
(avuncular) in manner of uncle, pertaining to uncle; kind, genial, benevolent or tolerant
(लेखा परीक्षा) in an uncomfortable, nervous or embarrassed way
(गड़बड़ा) in a position that is turned toward one side; away from correct course
(स्वयंसिद्ध) self-evident truth requiring no proof
(नीला) sky blue; light purplish-blue
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