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(विनोद) gayness; splendor; cheerfulness or celebration

Spelling Word: jollity
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(श्रमसाध्य) demanding much work or care; tedious

Spelling Word: laborious
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(निस्तेज) lacking energy or vitality; weak; sluggish; lacking spirit or liveliness

Spelling Word: languid
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(मुक्त) set free, as from oppression, confinement, or foreign control; discharge; release

Spelling Word: liberate
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(भाषाई) relating to language or linguistics; relating to study of language

Spelling Word: linguistic
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(तरल) fluid; juice; substance in fluid state

Spelling Word: liquid
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(स्थानीय) in that area; to a restricted area of the body

Spelling Word: locally
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(आवारागर्दी करना) stand idly about; linger aimlessly; proceed slowly or with many stops

Spelling Word: loiter
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(बढ़ाना) intensify; increase; make greater in size; enlarge

Spelling Word: magnify
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(मौसम विज्ञान) earth science dealing with phenomena of the atmosphere; predicting what the weather will be

Spelling Word: meteorology