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(دروی) addictive drug, such as opium, that reduces pain, alters mood and behavior; inducing sleep

Spelling Word: narcotic
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(ابتدائی) incipient; coming into existence; emerging

Spelling Word: nascent
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(کالا جادو) belief in magical spells to produce unnatural effects; practice of supposedly communicating with spirits of dead ones to predict future

Spelling Word: necromancy
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(neonate neophyte) recent convert to a belief; one newly initiated

Spelling Word: neophyte
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(nonconformity) one who refuses to conform to established standards of conduct; not conforming to some norm; unconventional

Spelling Word: nonconformist
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(nonplus) perplex or bewilder someone; confound or flummox

Spelling Word: nonplus
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(مشہور) worthy of note or notice; remarkable; important

Spelling Word: notable
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(موٹے) extremely fat; grossly overweight

Spelling Word: obese
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(سروشتھ) having total knowledge; knowing everything

Spelling Word: omniscient
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(معتم) impenetrable by light; not transparent; not reflecting light; having no luster

Spelling Word: opaque