[Esc] (99) v. Syn. surprise; shock (びっくり仰天させる) affect with wonder; surprise; shock
[Esc] (100) n. (天文学者) a physicist who studies astronomy
[Esc] (101) n. (天文学) branch of physics that studies celestial bodies and universe as a whole
[Esc] (102) n. Syn. air (雰囲気) air
[Esc] (103) n. (原子) a tiny piece of anything; the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element
[Esc] (104) n. Syn. preference; affection (添付) a bond, as of affection or loyalty; fond regard; supplementary part; accessory
[Esc] (105) v. Syn. gain (達成) achieve or accomplish; gain
[Esc] (106) v. (参加) be present at; go to; take care of; tend
[Esc] (107) n. (参加) act of being present
[Esc] (108) n. Syn. aide; servant (受付) aide; servant; accompanying; person who participates in a meeting
[Esc] (109) n. Syn. concentration; care (注目) act or state of attending or heeding; application of the mind to any object of sense, representation, or thought
[Esc] (110) n. Syn. clothing; dress (服装) clothing; dress
[Esc] (111) n. Syn. affinity; appeal (アトラクション) appeal; a characteristic that provides pleasure and attracts
[Esc] (193) n. (レジに進む) counter in a supermarket where you pay for your purchases; the latest time for vacating a hotel room
[Esc] (194) n. (シェフ) a professional cook
[Esc] (195) a. Syn. cool (チル) cool; freeze
[Esc] (196) a. Syn. cold (肌寒い) cold
[Esc] (197) n. (騎士) courtesy towards women
[Esc] (198) n. (合唱) band or organized company of singers, especially in church service
[Esc] (199) v. Syn. asphyxiate; suffocate (チョーク) breathe with great difficulty, as when experiencing a strong emotion; reduce the air supply
[Esc] (200) v. Syn. cut; hew (チョップ) hew; cut by striking with a heavy sharp tool, such as an ax
[Esc] (201) n. (和音) combination of three or more notes that blend harmoniously when sounded together
[Esc] (202) n. (雑用) a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee
[Esc] (203) n. (振り付け) art of representing dances in written symbols; arrangement of dances
[Esc] (204) n. (コーラス) any utterance produced simultaneously by a group
[Esc] (205) n. (彩) a gaseous layer of the sun's atmosphere
[Esc] (206) a. (時系列) arranged in order of time of occurrence
[Esc] (207) n. (サイダー) beverage made from juice pressed from apples
[Esc] (208) n. (礼儀) act of showing regard for others; courteous behavior; politeness; citizenship
[Esc] (209) n. Syn. culture (文明) culture
[Esc] (210) n. (請求) demand for something as rightful or due
[Esc] (211) v. Syn. tranquilize; soothe (アサリ) be moist or glutinous; stick or adhere; produce or cause to clang
[Esc] (212) v. Syn. applaud; slap (拍手) applaud; slap; strike together with a sharp sound, as one hard surface on another
[Esc] (213) n. (分類) assigning to a class or category
[Esc] (214) v. (分類) declare unavailable, as for security reasons; arrange or order by classes or categories
[Esc] (215) n. (聖職者) clergymen collectively; body of people ordained for religious service
[Esc] (216) n. (牧師) a member of the clergy and a spiritual leader of the Christian Church
[Esc] (217) v. (クリップ) cut, cut off, or cut out with or as if with shears; cut off the edge of:
[Esc] (218) v. Syn. congest; jam (詰まり) congest; jam
[Esc] (219) a. Syn. awkward; inept (不器用) awkward; showing lack of skill or aptitude
[Esc] (220) n. (クラッチ) device for gripping and holding; tense, critical situation
[Esc] (221) v. Syn. combine; fuse; mix (合体) combine; fuse; grow together; come together so as to form one whole; unite
[Esc] (222) v. Syn. classify (成文化) arrange laws, rules as a code; classify; arrange or systematize
[Esc] (223) a. Syn. adhesive; cohesive (コヒーレント) adhesive; cohesive; sticking together ; logical; sound; capable of thinking and expressing yourself in a clear and consistent manner
[Esc] (224) a. (粘着) cohering or tending to cohere; well integrated
[Esc] (225) n. Syn. ring; roll (コイル) a series of connected spirals or concentric rings formed by gathering or winding; spiral pipe or series of spiral pipes
[Esc] (226) n. (造語) coins collectively
[Esc] (227) a. (一致) concerning; simultaneous
[Esc] (228) v. (崩壊) breakdown; failure
[Esc] (229) a. Syn. common (集団) common; assembled into or viewed as a whole
[Esc] (230) v. (衝突) bump; hit; conflict
[Esc] (231) n. Syn. crash; impact (衝突) crash; conflict of opposed ideas or attitudes or goals
[Esc] (232) n. (口語) colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech
[Esc] (233) n. (大佐) a commissioned military officer
[Esc] (234) n. Syn. blend; union (組み合わせ) blend; union
[Esc] (236) a. Syn. flammable; burnable; inflammable (可燃) capable of igniting and burning; easily aroused or excited
[Esc] (237) n. (燃焼) act of burning something
[Esc] (238) n. (彗星) an object that goes around the sun
[Esc] (239) a. (コミカル) arousing or provoking laughter
[Esc] (240) n. Syn. chief; leader (司令) chief; leader
[Esc] (241) n. (解説) written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material
[Esc] (242) n. (解説) a writer who reports and analyzes events of the day
[Esc] (243) a. Syn. dedicated; devoted (コミット) dedicated; devoted
[Esc] (244) n. (コミュニケーション) activity of communicating; activity of conveying information
[Esc] (245) a. Syn. compressed; condensed; concise (コンパクト) closely and firmly united or packed together; briefly giving gist of something
[Esc] (246) n. (圧縮) an increase in the density of something
[Esc] (247) n. Syn. associate; partner (コンパニオン) associate; partner
[Esc] (248) v. Syn. vie; contest; fight (フィットネス) contest; fight
[Esc] (249) a. Syn. capable; adept (主務) capable; adept
[Esc] (250) n. (競争) an aggressive willingness to compete
[Esc] (251) n. Syn. arrogance; satisfaction (自己満足) arrogance; satisfaction; feeling you have when you are satisfied with yourself
[Esc] (252) v. Syn. complete; consummate (補完) complete; consummate; make perfect
[Esc] (253) a. Syn. intricate; compound (顔色比較) complicated in structure; a whole structure, as a building, made up of interconnected or related structures
[Esc] (254) n. Syn. complication (複雑) complication
[Esc] (255) a. Syn. intricate; circuitous (複雑な) difficult to analyze or understand
[Esc] (256) n. Syn. complexity; intricacy (合併症) complexity; intricacy; any disease or disorder that occurs during the course of another disease
[Esc] (258) v. Syn. squeeze; contract (圧縮) close; squeeze or press together; contract
[Esc] (259) a. Syn. compact (圧縮) compact
[Esc] (260) n. (圧縮) applying pressure; encoding information while reducing the bandwidth or bits required
[Esc] (261) v. (妥協) adjust or settle by making mutual concessions; endanger the interests or reputation of
[Esc] (262) n. Syn. calculation (計算) calculation
[Esc] (263) v. Syn. admit; yield (譲歩) admit; yield; give up physical control of another
[Esc] (264) v. Syn. design; consider (妊娠) form or develop in the mind; devise; become pregnant with; begin or originate in a specific way
[Esc] (265) n. Syn. thought; idea (コンセプト) beginning; forming of an idea; act of conceiving
[Esc] (266) a. (概念) being or characterized by concepts or their formation
[Esc] (267) n. (協奏曲) composition for orchestra and a soloist
[Esc] (268) a. Syn. succinct; terse (簡潔) brief and compact; expressing much in few words
[Esc] (269) n. Syn. brevity (簡潔) brevity; terseness and economy in writing and speaking
[Esc] (270) a. Syn. definitive; decisive; final (説得決定的) definitive; decisive; final
[Esc] (271) v. Syn. blame; denounce (非難) blame; denounce; express strong disapproval of
[Esc] (272) n. Syn. blame (非難) blame
[Esc] (273) n. Syn. compression (結露) compression
[Esc] (274) v. (凝縮) change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops; compress or concentrate
[Esc] (275) v. Syn. accompany; direct (行動) direct the course of; manage or control; lead or guide
[Esc] (276) n. (指揮者) a device designed to transmit electricity, heat; person who collects fares on a public conveyance
[Esc] (277) n. (コーン) a shape whose base is a circle and whose sides taper up to a point
[Esc] (278) n. Syn. alliance (同盟) alliance
[Esc] (279) n. Syn. ally; collaborator (同盟) ally; form a group or unite
[Esc] (280) v. (相談) bestow; present; have a conference in order to talk something over
[Esc] (281) v. Syn. acknowledge; admit (告白) acknowledge; admit
[Esc] (282) a. Syn. assured (自信を持って) assured; having or marked by assurance
[Esc] (283) n. (構成) arrangement of parts or elements; outline
[Esc] (284) n. (確認) additional proof that something that was believed
[Esc] (285) n. Syn. conflux; throng (合流) act of two things flowing together; junction or meeting place where two things meet
[Esc] (286) v. (適合) comply with; follow; fit; meet
[Esc] (287) n. (適合性) behavior in correspondence with socially accepted standards
[Esc] (288) v. (対決) be face to face with; oppose in hostility or competition; deal with
[Esc] (289) a. Syn. compatible (気心) compatible
[Esc] (290) n. Syn. assortment (コングロマリット) corporation made up of different companies in diversified fields; composing of heterogeneous elements gathered into a mass
[Esc] (291) n. (祝) act of acknowledging that someone has an occasion for celebration
[Esc] (292) v. (集まる) assemble; convene; gather
[Esc] (293) n. (針葉樹) any gymnospermous tree or shrub bearing cones
[Esc] (294) v. (予想) believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds