3000 ECPE Vocabulary | Introduction |
Group (G H) - Matching Quizzes |
(ग्रिड) framework of crisscrossed or parallel bars; grating or mesh | |
(राज्यपाल) make and administer the public policy and affairs of | |
(कलई) stimulate by shock; stir up; stimulate to action | |
(सींग) one of the bony outgrowths on the heads of certain ungulates |
(स्नातक) one who has received an academicals or professional degree; one who has completed the prescribed course of study | |
(गंभीर) unrelenting; rigid; dismal and gloomy; cold and forbidding | |
(चमक) bright, sparkling light; brilliant and showy luster; brilliancy | |
(ठगना) mostly white aquatic bird having long pointed wings and short legs |
(ग्रेफाइट) something used as a lubricant and as a moderator in nuclear reactors | |
(ठगना) mostly white aquatic bird having long pointed wings and short legs | |
(मुसकान) act of withdrawing lips and showing teeth; broad smile | |
(जय हो) pour something down or forth; greet or acclaim enthusiastically |
(हीड्रास्फीयर) watery layer of the earth's surface | |
(हानिरहित) unlikely to harm or disturb anyone | |
(ग्रिड) framework of crisscrossed or parallel bars; grating or mesh | |
(सीतनिद्रा) time of animals sleep through the winter |
(चमकदार) smooth and shining; reflecting luster from smooth or polished surface; plausible | |
(गंभीर) unrelenting; rigid; dismal and gloomy; cold and forbidding | |
(सामान्य) of an entire group or class; general | |
(ग्रिड) framework of crisscrossed or parallel bars; grating or mesh |
(जय हो) pour something down or forth; greet or acclaim enthusiastically | |
(चिड़ियों) tiny American bird having brilliant iridescent plumage and long slender bills | |
(उछालना) throw with great force; cast; toss | |
(गुरुत्वाकर्षण) seriousness; solemn and dignified feeling; natural force between two massive bodies |
(लालची) wanting to get more than one can reasonably get | |
(पहचान) sign; feature; mark indicating quality or excellence | |
(स्नातक) one who has received an academicals or professional degree; one who has completed the prescribed course of study | |
(बंदरगाह) provide a refuge for; hide; give shelter to |
(सींग) one of the bony outgrowths on the heads of certain ungulates | |
(हानिरहित) unlikely to harm or disturb anyone | |
(भड़कीला) very showy or ornamented, especially when excessive, or in a tasteless or vulgar manner | |
(ग्रंथियों) relating to or affecting or functioning as a gland |
(मुसकान) act of withdrawing lips and showing teeth; broad smile | |
(ग्रेनाइट) common, coarse-grained, light-colored, hard igneous rock consisting chiefly of quartz; unyielding endurance | |
(मुख्यालय) main office of large organization | |
(ग्रेफाइट) something used as a lubricant and as a moderator in nuclear reactors |
(सीतनिद्रा) time of animals sleep through the winter | |
(ग्रिड) framework of crisscrossed or parallel bars; grating or mesh | |
(खतरा) danger; risk | |
(असहाय) unable to help oneself; powerless or incompetent; powerless; weak |