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a. Syn. eccentric; mysterious
(奇怪的,瘋狂的) odd or unconventional, as in behavior; eccentric; mysterious; suspicious; questionable

Spelling Word: queer
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(筏,救生艇) a flat float made of logs or planks; a large number or amount or extent

Spelling Word: raft
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v. Syn. admonish; scold
(嚴厲批評,猛烈的訓斥) scold harshly; criticize severely

Spelling Word: rebuke
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v. Syn. resist; forbear
(抵制,抵抗,遠離,節制) abstain from; resist; hold oneself back

Spelling Word: refrain
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a. Syn. devout; pious
(信奉宗教的,虔誠的) of religion; concerned with religion; having or showing belief in and reverence for God or a deity

Spelling Word: religious
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a. Syn. unwilling; averse
(不情願的,勉強的) not wanting to take some action; averse

Spelling Word: reluctant
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v. Syn. withstand
(抵抗) stand up or offer resistance; refuse to comply; withstand the force of something

Spelling Word: resist
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(退休,引退) move back and away from; stop performing one's work or withdraw from one's position

Spelling Word: retire
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(繞轉,旋轉,考慮,細想) turn or roll round on, or as on, an axis, like a wheel; rotate; move in curved path round a center; pass in cycles

Spelling Word: revolve
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n. Syn. pattern; beat; tempo
(節奏,韻律) pattern; beat; recurring at regular intervals

Spelling Word: rhythm