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(鞍子,馬鞍) load or burden; put harness onto animal's back to ride

Spelling Word: saddle
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n. Syn. wit; satire
(挖苦,諷刺) cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound; stinging rebuke; form of humor by mocking with irony

Spelling Word: sarcasm
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a. Syn. picturesque; beautiful
(風景如畫的) constituting or affording pleasing views of natural features; beautiful

Spelling Word: scenic
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(地震儀,測震儀) measuring instrument for detecting the intensity, direction, and duration of movements of the ground

Spelling Word: seismograph
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(下水道,裁縫師) waste pipe that carries away sewage or surface water; someone who sews

Spelling Word: sewer
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n. Syn. waste; drainage
(排水設備,污水) waste matter; drainage; waste pipe that carries away sewage or surface water

Spelling Word: sewerage
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n. Syn. asylum
(掩蔽處,庇護所) structure that provides privacy and protection from danger

Spelling Word: shelter
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(遮蔽的) protected from danger or bad weather

Spelling Word: sheltered
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a. Syn. lustrous; radiant
(有光澤的,發光的) reflecting light; radiant; bright from reflected light

Spelling Word: shiny
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a. Syn. slim; thin
(苗條的,纖細的,微少的) having little width in proportion to height or length; long and thin

Spelling Word: slender