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(絛蟲) ribbon-like flatworms

Spelling Word: tapeworm
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v. Syn. discoloration; stain
(晦暗,污點) make dirty or spotty; stain; dull the luster of; discolor, especially by exposure to air or dirt

Spelling Word: tarnish
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v. Syn. offer; extend
(提供,擴充) offer formally; extend; propose a payment

Spelling Word: tender
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n. Syn. land; landform; topography
(地勢,地形) piece of ground having specific characteristics or military potential; area of land; ground

Spelling Word: terrain
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(使緊,變緊,使更嚴) draw tighter; straiten; make closer in any manner.

Spelling Word: tighten
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n. Syn. slant; lean
(傾斜) slight but noticeable partiality; line or surface that departs from the vertical

Spelling Word: tilt
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(精神充沛的) something producing physical, mental, or emotional vigor

Spelling Word: tonic
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n. Syn. lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy
(遲鈍,麻木,不活潑) state of mental or physical inactivity or insensibility; sluggishness; dormancy

Spelling Word: torpor
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a. Syn. moving; affecting
(動人的,令人感傷的) concerning; relating to; with respect to

Spelling Word: touching
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v. Syn. pull; drag
(拖引,牽引) draw or pull behind by a chain or line

Spelling Word: tow