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New Known Review |
antiseptic |
(防腐剤) substance that prevents infection; substance that restricts the growth of disease-causing microorganisms E.g.Regular washing with antiseptic is often enough to heal a skin infection. |
New Known Review |
antithesis |
(アンチテーゼ) contrast; direct contrast; opposition E.g.This tyranny was the antithesis of all that he had hoped for, and he fought it with all his strength. |
New Known Review |
anvil |
(アンビル) heavy block of iron or steel with a smooth, flat top on which metals are shaped by hammering E.g.The man put the iron block on the anvil. |
New Known Review |
apathy |
(無気力) lack of caring; indifference E.g.A firm believer in democratic government, she could not understand the apathy of people who never bothered to vote. |
New Known Review |
aperture |
(絞り) opening; diameter of such an opening; hole E.g.She discovered a small aperture in the wall, through which the insects had entered the room. |
New Known Review |
apex |
(頂点) highest point; vertex; summit; climax E.g.He was at the apex of his career: he had climbed to the top of the heap. |
New Known Review |
aphasia |
(失語) loss of speech due to injury or illness E.g.After the automobile accident, the victim had periods of aphasia when he could not speak at all or could only mumble incoherently. |
New Known Review |
aphorism |
(アフォリズム) definition or concise statement of principle; tersely phrased statement of truth or opinion E.g.An aphorism differs from an adage in that it is more philosophical or scientific. |
New Known Review |
apiary |
(養蜂) place where bees and beehives are kept, especially where bees are raised for their honey E.g.Although he spent many hours daily in the apiary, he was very seldom stung by a bee. |
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New Known Review |
apocalyptic |
(終末論) prophetic; involving or portending widespread devastation E.g.The crowd jeered preacher's apocalyptic predictions of doom at the street. |
New Known Review |
apocryphal |
(作り話) untrue; of questionable authorship or authenticity; erroneous; fictitious E.g.To impress his friends, Tom invented apocryphal tales of his adventures in the big city. |
New Known Review |
apogee |
(アポジ) the highest point; point in orbit most distant from the body being orbited E.g.When the moon in its orbit is farthest away from the earth, it is at its apogee. |
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New Known Review |
apostate |
(背教) one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs E.g.Because he switched from one party to another, his former friends shunned him as an apostate. |
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New Known Review |
appall |
(ゾッとさせる) depress or discourage with fear; grow faint or become weak E.g.The horrifying conditions in the city's jails might appall you. |