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abash |
(赤面させる) embarrass; make ashamed or uneasy; disconcert E.g.Her open admiration should not abash him at all. |
New Known Review |
abate |
(和らげる) subside; decrease; become less in amount or intensity E.g.Rather than leaving immediately, they waited for the storm to abate. |
New Known Review |
abbreviate |
(省略) make shorter; reduce to shorter form intended to represent full form, as for word or phrase E.g.Because we were running out of time, the lecturer had to abbreviate her speech. |
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New Known Review |
aberrant |
(異常) abnormal; markedly different from an accepted norm E.g.Given the aberrant nature of the data, we doubted the validity of the entire experiment. |
New Known Review |
abet |
(扇動) aid, usually in doing something wrong; encourage E.g.She was unwilling to abet him in the swindle he had planned. |
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abeyance |
(保留) suspended action; temporary cessation or suspension E.g.The deal was held in abeyance until her arrival. |
New Known Review |
abhor |
(忌み嫌う) fill with horror and loathing; horrify; hate E.g.One of the things I abhor is the threat to withhold aid. |
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abjure |
(誓う) renounce upon oath; abandon forever E.g.He will abjure his allegiance to the king. |
New Known Review |
ablution |
(清め) washing or cleansing of the body, especially as part of religious rite E.g.His ablution was accompanied by loud noises that he humorously labeled "Opera in the Bath.". |
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New Known Review |
abode |
(ドゥエリング) act of waiting; delay; stay or continuance in a place E.g.I shall take up my abode in a religious house near Lisle -- a nunnery you would call it; there I shall be quiet and unmolested. |
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New Known Review |
abominable |
(不愉快な) detestable; extremely unpleasant; very bad E.g.Mary liked John until she learned he was dating Susan; then she called him an abominable young man. |
New Known Review |
aboriginal |
(先住民) being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native E.g.Her studies of the primitive art forms of the aboriginal Indians were widely reported in the scientific journals. |
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