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New Known Review |
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adventitious |
(不定) accidental; casual; not inherent but added extrinsically E.g.He found this adventitious meeting with his friend extremely fortunate. |
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adversary |
(敵) opponent in contest; someone who offers opposition E.g.The young wrestler struggled to defeat his adversary. |
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New Known Review |
adversity |
(逆境を) state of misfortune, hardship, or affliction; misfortune E.g.A young boy who's strength in adversity is an inspiration to all who know him. |
New Known Review |
advocacy |
(提) support; active pleading on behalf of something E.g.No threats could dissuade Bishop Desmond Tutu from his advocacy of the human rights of black South Africans. |
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advocate |
(支持) speak, plead, or argue in favour of; plead for; push for something E.g.The some doctors advocate a smoking ban in the entire house. |
New Known Review |
aesthetic |
(審美) elegant or tasteful; of or concerning appreciation of beauty or good taste E.g.Kenneth Cole, the American designer known for his modern, urban aesthetic, is hawking $35 T-shirts. |
New Known Review |
affable |
(優しい) easily approachable; warmly friendly E.g.Accustomed to cold, aloof supervisors, Nicholas was amazed at how affable his new employer was. |
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affected |
(影響) speaking or behaving in artificial way; emotionally stirred or moved; infected or attacked E.g.The other boys laughed so unmercifully at what they termed my affected accent. |
New Known Review |
affidavit |
(宣誓供述書) written statement made under oath E.g.This is an official affidavit from the court and it is saying that the whole thing was a hoax. |
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New Known Review |
affinity |
(親和) natural attraction, liking, or feeling of kinship; relationship by marriage E.g.She felt an affinity with all who suffered; their pains were her pains. |
New Known Review |
affirmation |
(肯定) positive assertion; confirmation; solemn pledge by one who refuses to take an oath E.g.Despite Tom's affirmation of innocence, Aunt Polly still suspected he had eaten the pie. |
New Known Review |
affliction |
(悩み) cause or condition of pain, suffering, or distress E.g.Even in the midst of her affliction, Elizabeth tried to keep up the spirits of those around her. |
New Known Review |
affluence |
(豊か) abundance; a plentiful supply of material goods; wealth E.g.Foreigners are amazed by the affluence and luxury of the American way of life. |
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New Known Review |
New Known Review |
agglomeration |
(集積) collection; heap; act or process of gathering into a mass E.g.It took weeks to assort the agglomeration of miscellaneous items she had collected on her trip. |
New Known Review |