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New Known Review |
amiable |
(和やか) good-natured and likable; lovable; warmly friendly E.g.In Little Women, Beth is the amiable daughter whose loving disposition endears her to all who know her. |
New Known Review |
amicable |
(友好) exhibiting friendliness or goodwill; not quarrelsome E.g.Beth's sister Jo is the hot-tempered tomboy who has a hard time maintaining amicable relations with those around her. |
New Known Review |
amiss |
(気を悪くする) out of proper order; not in perfect shape; faulty E.g.I knew that weapons would not come in amiss, and I re-entered his room to get his rifle and shot-gun. |
New Known Review |
amity |
(親睦) friendship; peaceful relations, as between nations E.g.Student exchange programs such as the Experiment in International Living were established to promote international amity. |
New Known Review |
amnesia |
(健忘) partial or total loss of memory, usually resulting from shock or illness E.g.Selective amnesia is a politically valuable trait. |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
amoral |
(エッチ) lacking moral sensibility; not caring about right and wrong. E.g.Compared with evil immorality, being amoral is more like being naughty. |
New Known Review |
amorous |
(好色) moved by sexual love; loving E.g."Love them and leave them" was the motto of the amorous Don Juan. |
New Known Review |
amorphous |
(晶) formless; lacking shape or definition E.g.As soon as we have decided on our itinerary, we shall send you a copy; right now, our plans are still amorphous. |
New Known Review |
amphibian |
(両生類) able to live both on land and in water E.g.Frogs are classified as amphibian. |
New Known Review |
amphitheater |
(劇場は) oval building with tiers of seats from central open space or arena E.g.The spectators in the amphitheater cheered the gladiators. |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
New Known Review |
analgesic |
(鎮痛剤) serving to reduce sensibility to pain without loss of consciousness E.g.The analgesic qualities of this lotion will provide temporary relief. |
New Known Review |
analogous |
(似) comparable; similar or alike E.g.She called our attention to the things that had been done in an analogous situation and recommended that we do the same. |
New Known Review |
analogy |
(類推) similarity in some respects; comparison based on similarity E.g.This analogy is almost always noted without further comment, although in fact it may be taken further. |
New Known Review |