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Barron GRE Vocabulary | Filter and Find |
Group 19 - Matching Quizzes |
(腐敗) capable of being bribed; for sale, available for a price; corrupt | |
(無気力) state of mental or physical inactivity or insensibility; sluggishness; dormancy | |
(書物) large volume; large and scholarly book | |
(トラフ) container for feeding farm animals; lowest point of a wave or business cycle |
(明確) admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; clear and unambiguous | |
(腐敗) capable of being bribed; for sale, available for a price; corrupt | |
(ベンチャー) put at risk; adventure | |
(不定期) travel or wander through; cleanse clothes in water |
(無気力) state of mental or physical inactivity or insensibility; sluggishness; dormancy | |
(静か) calmness; peace; freedom from disturbance or agitation | |
(均一) sameness or consistency; freedom from variation or difference | |
(解放する) liberate; free from chains; set free or keep free from restrictions or bonds |
(衝動) force in an indicated direction; stimulate; excite | |
(ユートピア) ideally perfect place, especially in its social, political, and moral aspects | |
(トリクル条約) flow in drops; run or flow slowly; drip | |
(無気力) state of mental or physical inactivity or insensibility; sluggishness; dormancy |
(ユートピア) ideally perfect place, especially in its social, political, and moral aspects | |
(些細な) trivial; of slight worth or importance; frivolous or idle | |
(寸前) extreme edge or margin; border; enclosing boundary; space enclosed by such a boundary | |
(騒ぎ) noise, as made by a crowd; riot or uprising |
(変わる) change from one form, nature, substance, or state into another; transform | |
(投げ) throw carelessly; throw to see which side comes up; move or stir about violently | |
(不定期) travel or wander through; cleanse clothes in water | |
(乱流) state of violent agitation; eddying motion; unstable flow of a liquid or gas; state of violent disturbance and disorder |
(破壊) tending to take offense with slight cause; oversensitive; requiring special tact or skill in handling | |
(悪く言う) cause disgrace to by malicious and false statements; hold up or expose to ridicule or calumny; defame | |
(王) wealthy and powerful businessperson or industrialist; magnate | |
(変わる) change from one form, nature, substance, or state into another; transform |
(悪く言う) cause disgrace to by malicious and false statements; hold up or expose to ridicule or calumny; defame | |
(明確) admitting of no doubt or misunderstanding; clear and unambiguous | |
(トリビュート) payment in money made by one ruler or nation; tax; mark of respect; praiseworthy quality | |
(無礼講) open and unrestrained; free from traditional social or moral constraints |
(的確) infallibly; without error, mistake, or failure | |
(有利) place or situation affording some advantage, especially good view | |
(ベンチャー) put at risk; adventure | |
(トラフ) container for feeding farm animals; lowest point of a wave or business cycle |
(騒ぎ) noise, as made by a crowd; riot or uprising | |
(変わる) change from one form, nature, substance, or state into another; transform | |
(良心) lacking conscience; greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation | |
(均一) sameness or consistency; freedom from variation or difference |