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Group 20 - Matching Quizzes |
(引き離す) gradually deprive infants of mother's milk; detach affections of | |
(駄々をこねる) utter a plaintive cry, as some animals; moan with a childish noise; complain, or to tell of sorrow, distress, | |
(名人) highly skilled artist, as musician; one who is dazzlingly skilled in his field | |
(衰退) decrease in size or strength; draw gradually to an end |
(病原性) extremely poisonous; hostile; bitter | |
(粘性) adhesive; gluey; covered with sticky or clammy coating | |
(賃金) hazard on the event of a contest; stake; engage in, as a contest; adventure, or lay out, for hire or reward; hire; employ | |
(官能) giving pleasure or satisfaction of the senses; having strong sexual appeal |
(先見の明) produced by imagination; characterized by vision or foresight; imaginary; idealistic | |
(重要) full of life; animated; necessary to continued existence; living or breathing | |
(ワッフル) speak or write evasively; pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness | |
(ヴィ) strive for victory or superiority; contend; compete |
(ヴィ) strive for victory or superiority; contend; compete | |
(先見の明) produced by imagination; characterized by vision or foresight; imaginary; idealistic | |
(引き離す) gradually deprive infants of mother's milk; detach affections of | |
(鮮やか) bright; lively; graphic; having striking color |
(活気) active; energetic; lively | |
(達者な) fluent; glib; talkative; marked by ready flow of speech | |
(官能) giving pleasure or satisfaction of the senses; having strong sexual appeal | |
(活気) animated; lively; vigorous and active |
(病原性) extremely poisonous; hostile; bitter | |
(渡る) paddle; walk through relatively shallow water | |
(官能) giving pleasure or satisfaction of the senses; having strong sexual appeal | |
(浮浪児) homeless person, especially orphaned child; abandoned young animal |
(盗撮) viewer who enjoys seeing sex acts or sex organs of others | |
(浪費家偽善者) one who wastes, especially one who wastes money; idler or loafer | |
(鮮やか) bright; lively; graphic; having striking color | |
(苦しめる) annoy; disturb, especially by minor irritations; be a mystery or bewildering to |
(経由下品な) common and coarse; relating to the common people with less cultivated or educated; lacking cultivation or refinement | |
(官能) giving pleasure or satisfaction of the senses; having strong sexual appeal | |
(生存) practical or workable; capable of maintaining life; capable of continuing effectiveness | |
(賃金) hazard on the event of a contest; stake; engage in, as a contest; adventure, or lay out, for hire or reward; hire; employ |
(引き離す) gradually deprive infants of mother's milk; detach affections of | |
(脆弱性) susceptible to wounds; capable of being wounded or hurt | |
(活力) active strength of body or mind; imaginative lively style, especially style of writing; exertion of force | |
(名人) highly skilled artist, as musician; one who is dazzlingly skilled in his field |
(活気) active; energetic; lively | |
(ワッフル) speak or write evasively; pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness | |
(ふける) roll in water, snow, or mud; indulge in; move with difficulty in clumsy manner; plunge into course or condition | |
(ウイグル) move to and fro with a quick, jerking motion; bend rapidly, or with a wavering motion, from side to side |