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Group 2 - Matching Quizzes |
(apologist) person who argues in defense or justification of something, such as doctrine, policy, or institution | |
(शोक) grievous loss; particularly, the loss of a relative or friend by death | |
(मध्यस्थ) person with power to decide a dispute; judge | |
(apposite) strikingly appropriate and relevant; well-suited |
(bantering) good-natured ridiculing; cleverly amusing in tone | |
(द्वीपसमूह) group of closely located islands | |
(धन्धा) activity taken up in addition to one's regular work or profession, usually for enjoyment | |
(apologist) person who argues in defense or justification of something, such as doctrine, policy, or institution |
(द्वीपसमूह) group of closely located islands | |
(कारीगर) manually skilled worker; craftsman, as opposed to artist | |
(सुरभित) fragrant or sweet-smelling; caused by fragrant odor | |
(तिरछा) turned or twisted toward one side; at an angle |
(भविष्यवाणी) sign of something coming; art or practice of foretelling events by signs or omens | |
(मोहना) mislead; delude; deceive by guile | |
(bevy) completely happy and contented; showing or producing exalted joy | |
(आकांक्षी) one who aspires, as to advancement, honors, or a high position |
(कवि) poet, especially lyric poet | |
(apposite) strikingly appropriate and relevant; well-suited | |
(जोर) express agreement to what is alleged or proposed; accept | |
(बदला लेना) take vengeance for something, or on behalf of someone |
(belabor) discuss repeatedly; attack verbally; work hard upon | |
(apposite) strikingly appropriate and relevant; well-suited | |
(दुस्साहसिक) fearlessly, often recklessly daring; bold | |
(खगोलीय) enormously large or extensive; relating to astronomy |
(बाम) something that relieves pain | |
(कठिन) demanding great effort or labor; difficult | |
(लाभकारी) helpful; tending to promote physical well-being | |
(शरण) place of refuge or shelter; protection |
(belabor) discuss repeatedly; attack verbally; work hard upon | |
(दुस्साहसिक) fearlessly, often recklessly daring; bold | |
(विलम्बित) having been delayed; done or sent too late | |
(दोष लगाना) officially charge someone in a court of law |