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Group 1 - Matching Quizzes |
(मिलनसार) good-natured and likable; lovable; warmly friendly | |
(संबद्धता) partnership; alliance; association in the same family or society | |
(फरार पूर्ण) perfect in quality or nature; complete; totally unlimited; certain | |
(त्यागना) renounce upon oath; abandon forever |
(स्वीकार करते हैं) declare to be true or admit; express obligation, thanks | |
(सजाना) enhance or decorate with or as if with ornaments | |
(विमुख) cause to become unfriendly or hostile; transfer property or ownership; isolate or dissociate emotionally | |
(गलत) out of proper order; not in perfect shape; faulty |
(स्मृतिलोप) partial or total loss of memory, usually resulting from shock or illness | |
(कृषि) pertaining to land or its cultivation; relating to agricultural or rural matters | |
(ऊपर) in or into a high place; high or higher up | |
(उग्र) unpleasantly sharp or bitter to taste or smell; bitterly pungent |
(कृषि) pertaining to land or its cultivation; relating to agricultural or rural matters | |
(accolade) award of merit; expression of approval; praise | |
(आगमन) coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important | |
(मिलावट) make impure by adding inferior or tainted substances |
(विरोधी) opponent in contest; someone who offers opposition | |
(गान) song of praise or patriotism; song of devotion or loyalty | |
(विरोध) active resistance; condition of being an opposing principle, force, or factor | |
(अपमानित करना abate) subside; decrease; become less in amount or intensity |
(विपत्ति) state of misfortune, hardship, or affliction; misfortune | |
(आकस्मिक) accidental; casual; not inherent but added extrinsically | |
(थोड़ा अम्ल) slightly sour in taste or in manner; sharp; caustic | |
(फरार पूर्ण) perfect in quality or nature; complete; totally unlimited; certain |
(सौंदर्य) elegant or tasteful; of or concerning appreciation of beauty or good taste | |
(संबद्धता) partnership; alliance; association in the same family or society | |
(अपमान) insult; offense; intentional act of disrespect | |
(थोड़ा अम्ल) slightly sour in taste or in manner; sharp; caustic |
(ऊपर) in or into a high place; high or higher up | |
(कपटी) capable of using either hand with equal ease | |
(न्यायपालिका) abnormal; markedly different from an accepted norm | |
(मिलावट) make impure by adding inferior or tainted substances |
(गलत) out of proper order; not in perfect shape; faulty | |
(पुराना) antiquated; extremely old and ancient; belonging to very ancient times | |
(ध्वनिकी) science of sound; quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in | |
(कपटी) capable of using either hand with equal ease |
(लज्जित करना) embarrass; make ashamed or uneasy; disconcert | |
(विमुख) cause to become unfriendly or hostile; transfer property or ownership; isolate or dissociate emotionally | |
(संशोधन) change for the better; improve; remove faults or errors | |
(त्यागना) renounce upon oath; abandon forever |