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Group 9 - Matching Quizzes |
(は見送る無償) given freely; unwarranted; granted without recompense; unearned | |
(お粥) liquid food made by boiling oatmeal | |
(小屋) shack; small, wretched house | |
(大げさ) speaking or expressed in lofty style; using high sounding language; overly wordy |
(ホバー) hang about; wait nearby; remain floating | |
(人道) philanthropic; one devoted to the promotion of human welfare and to social reforms | |
(小屋) shack; small, wretched house | |
(洞窟) small cave, usually with attractive features |
(大学院) one who has received an academicals or professional degree; one who has completed the prescribed course of study | |
(お粥) liquid food made by boiling oatmeal | |
(均質) of the same or similar nature or kind | |
(洞窟) small cave, usually with attractive features |
(はしゃぎ) great enjoyable or amusing activity | |
(行き当たりばったり) not thorough, constant or consistent; by chance | |
(説教) noisy speech; speech or piece of writing with strong feeling or expression | |
(厳しい) by effort to the point of exhaustion, especially physical effort |
(ハイブ) box, basket, or other structure, for the reception and habitation of a swarm of honeybees; a place swarming with busy occupants; crowd | |
(幻) deceptive; misleading; based on or having the nature of an illusion | |
(行き当たりばったり) not thorough, constant or consistent; by chance | |
(人道的な) marked by kindness, mercy, or compassion |
(湿気) containing a high amount of water or water vapor | |
(耳を傾ける) pay attention to; listen to and consider | |
(その他のguile) skillful deceit; disposition to deceive or cheat; disguise cunningly | |
(屈辱) deep disgrace; shame or dishonor |
(火) produced under conditions involving intense heat | |
(ハッチ) breed; emerge from the egg | |
(HEWの) cut with an ax; fell with a sharp instrument; form or shape with a sharp instrument; cut | |
(吸収する) drink in; absorb or take in as if by drinking |
(火) produced under conditions involving intense heat | |
(その他のguile) skillful deceit; disposition to deceive or cheat; disguise cunningly | |
(歴史) having importance or significance in history; belonging to the past; historical | |
(行き当たりばったり) not thorough, constant or consistent; by chance |
(割り) complain or grumble; seek or shoot grouse | |
(ホバー) hang about; wait nearby; remain floating | |
(人質) prisoner who is held by one party to insure that another party will meet specified terms | |
(厳しい) by effort to the point of exhaustion, especially physical effort |
(その他のguile) skillful deceit; disposition to deceive or cheat; disguise cunningly | |
(お粥) liquid food made by boiling oatmeal | |
(衝突) crash; move with or as if with great speed and rushing noise | |
(単調) lacking variety or excitement; monotonous |