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(импорт) bring in from another country

Spelling Word: import
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(назойливых) urging; demanding; expressing earnest entreaty

Spelling Word: importunate
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(заклинания) singing or chanting of magic spells; magical formula; verbal charm or spell

Spelling Word: incantation
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(строя) disable or disqualify; deprive of capacity or natural power

Spelling Word: incapacitate
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(воплощения) person or thing regarded as embodying or exhibiting some quality, idea

Spelling Word: incarnation
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(стимул) something, such as the fear of punishment or the expectation of reward

Spelling Word: incentive
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(ненастную) stormy; showing no mercy; physically severe

Spelling Word: inclement
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(бестелесные) not consisting of matter, or not having material body; immaterial; insubstantial

Spelling Word: incorporeal
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(возмущение) anger aroused by something unjust

Spelling Word: indignation
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(неэффективные) insufficient to produce a desired effect; fruitless

Spelling Word: ineffectual